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Lore/Story Angels And Demons: Chapter 6

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Amun_Ra, Nov 13, 2016.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Hub Thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-a-legends-story-hub.163016/
    Previous Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-5.164321/

    Chapter 6: The Resistance

    The morning came quick enough. I rise from my bed, my shoulders sore. "Ugh." I grunt as I stretch. I look out of my window. There was a long day ahead of me.

    Donning my armour, I straighten my bed sheets and walk out of my room. The innkeeper asks me as I meet her on the corridor, "Had a nice sleep, boy?" I nod and smile at her.

    Katherine was already there when I came out of the street. She was cleaning her new dagger on the side of the road. She nods at me when she sees me.

    "Now we're soldiers, we better start looking for people to help." Katherine says. "Or else go outside to hunt monsters."

    I didn't really feel like fighting today. So I said, "Let's see what our map tells us."

    I reach into my pouch and pull out my map. Opening it, I examine the city of Ragni. A red, glowing dot marks where we are. There are three dots in the city of Ragni, which indicates the people who needs help. The closest one...

    "It's right there." I say, pointing at the Ragni Prison. Sure enough, a man is inside, looking at us.

    The man brightens up when he sees us. "Over here!" He whispers.

    Katherine looks at me. "A prisoner? We're helping criminals?" I shrug, and make my way to the man.

    The man sighs in relief as we get closer. "My name is Ooni. I'm a member of the Resistance, you've probably heard of us."

    We look at each other. "The Resistance?" I ask.

    "Wait, you two are mutants, right?" Ooni asks. That confuses us even more. "Blast it, just listen to me!" Ooni says. "I've been caught few days ago, you must help me escape! A stupid rodent stole the key that I managed to get, and it probably ran into the sewers!"

    Okay... I think. "Well, we are soldiers of Ragni, and your so called Resistance sounds like a rebel group. What do they do, anyway?"

    "Ummm...." Ooni turns bright red. "That doesn't matter, you are mutants, and mutants are supposed to help the Resistance. Hurry, before the guards notice! The sewer entrance is in a cottage near the North exit."

    Ooni shoos us off. Katherine turns to me and whisper, "I'm still not sure, why're we helping this guy?"

    "Dunno. But the map told us that we should help this guy, so we will."

    "Humph." She looks forward. "I'm not even sure this guy knows much about the Resistance, if it even exists."

    I shrug. We walk towards the North exit. I turn to a villager who were walking along the road. "Hello, do you know where we can enter the sewers?"

    The villager look at us with a frown. "You want to enter that place? Well, the entrance is in that little house. There is a sign." He points at a small, worn-out looking house next to a farm. We thank the villager and walk towards the house.

    Sewers Entrance Below. Caution, Hostile Rats.

    "Hostile rats?" Katherine laughs. "Sounds scary."

    Turns out, they are really scary.

    The moment we enter the sewers, a group of huge rats with grey fur squeak and attack us. I cry out and cast a Bash, which kills some of them. "Run!" We bolt down the dark, damp corridor.

    I look to the left, down a dark tunnel. When I look at it, I thought I see a flicker of light and a humanoid figure. Before I could make sure, the light disappears.

    "There!" Katherine shouts. She is pointing at a brown rodent, which holds a black key in its hands. The elf leaps and lands next to the rodent. The rat squeaks in horror, and starts to bolt away. Katherine pick the rat up on its tail with her fingers, and take away the key from the terrified animal.

    "Don't you steal anything else again." She says, then drop the animal into the mucky water.

    "Let's go." I say, looking back at the swarm of rats that have started to chase us. We bolt at the open tunnel exit, and jump off. The moment we were out, we spread our wings out, and flap thrice powerfully. We land on the street of Ragni, the rats squealing angrily below us.

    "Let's go free that man." Katherine says, and start walking towards Ooni.

    Ooni brightens up when he sees us. "Great, you're back! Did you get the key?"

    We nod and hand him the key. "Here's the key. Wait, you aren't getting out now?"

    Ooni shakes his head. "No, there are too many eyes around now. The Resistance thank you, however. Take this key." He hands me another key from his pocket. It looks old, and looks like it have been made out of bones.

    "This is a key to an ancient sewers system outside Ragni. In there, a powerful creature..." Ooni stops abruptly. "Anyway, if you're up to the challenge, you will get tons of rewards!"

    "Uh... Thanks, I guess." Katherine says.

    Ooni pulls at her sleeve, and looks at us both. "Are you sure, you don't know anything about the Resistance? It would help me if you told me where I can regroup with them."

    I sigh. "Seriously, we told you, we don't know anything!"

    Ooni take a step back, and look at us with cold eyes. "Fine. Then, farewell, soldiers."


    "What was that about?" I ask Katherine once we were out of the man's earshot. She shrugs. "At least we got the key." She says.

    We walk out of the alley and into the main street. "Now, where should we do?" I say, and open up my map. As Katherine looks in to examine the map, I look up.

    A teenage boy and girl dressed in dark cloaks are looking at us from a distance. The boy is older than I am, about eighteen. He has black hair, and a pair of intense, grey eyes, which looks like they calculate everything for battle. His clothing has lots of holes and cuts in them, but the boy looks unscathed. He have no visible weapon.

    The girl has dark red hair, and red eyes. Unlike the boy, her skin is full of scars and stitches, even on her face. She has a pair of long daggers on her belt. I open my mouth, then close it. I nudge Katherine in the arm, who looks up in alarm. She sees the pair and frown. "What.."

    The boy and girl suddenly turn and walk into the smaller streets of Ragni. After a moment of thought, I follow. Katherine bounds after me, her weapons drawn. I take my spear off my back.

    When we turn the corner, we find ourselves looking at an empty street. There was no way they would have walked that fast. They must have ran, or be hiding. Katherine apparently thought the same, for she takes on a defensive stance.

    We walk inside the small road. As we walk, we come to a corner. As we start to turn the corner, we freeze.

    The redhead girl from before is standing right in front of us, her daggers drawn. She smiles, and her sharp teeth is visible. Uh-oh.

    We turn back, and see a brown-haired boy standing there. He looks slightly younger than us, but has a red scar across his cheek. He holds a sword, which bursts into flame. The two of them start walking towards us, and we back up into a grass area. The area is surrounded by houses and the wall. We suddenly realise we have been surrounded, because the black-haired boy and a tall girl walk from behind us.

    "Wait..." I start to say.

    The hooded boy sneers and leap towards us. From his arm shoots out a long blade, coming out with a thunk.

    Next Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-7.164566/
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
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