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Lore/Story Angels And Demons: Chapter 21

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Amun_Ra, Feb 4, 2017.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Hub thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-a-legends-story-hub-wynncraft-novel.163016/
    Previous chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-20.176184/

    Chapter 21: I Want... Answers

    "I am the Necromancer. Fear us."

    I grit my teeth. This one was very strong. I knew at this point, that I had no chance of defeating him, even if I could defend myself with the shield forever. I summon another one just as the Necromancer attack me with a wave of shadow.

    Behind me, Luke staggers to his feet. He shouts, "Besta!"

    The shadow the Necromancer summoned disperses. Luke shouts and charge at the monster, his wand high. He shouts, and summons a large explosion right in front of the Necromancer. The monster lifts his hand, and the explosion fades away, having done no harm.

    "I normally don't play with my prey." The Necromancer says, his voice stabilising. "But today, you shall be my entertainment."

    I raise my hand at the Necromancer. I focus all my magical power that I use to create the shield, and transform it into a blast. I aim quickly at the monster and fire. The Necromancer summons a wall of shadow.

    My magical attack pierces through the Necromancer's shield. In a split second, I could see the monster's surprised expression, just as my projectile hits him in the chest.

    A blinding explosion occurs next, throwing me and Luke onto the floor next to Katherine, who is panting heavily on the floor.

    Amidst the smoke, the Necromancer rises again. "You have changed my mind, boy." The Necromancer says, his voice expressing his anger. "I will tear you apart!"

    In a flash, he is before me. I raise my spear to a defensive position, but the Necromancer's staff connects with my stomach. At the same time, a force of shadow from the staff pierce through me.

    My sights darkens for a second. Pain course through my whole body. I feel something crack inside my body, and I fall to the ground, coughing out blood. The Necromancer charges his staff with energy and lifts it. Katherine grunts and shove her blade into the monster's thigh.

    The Necromancer gives an unearthly cry and stagger back. Katherine drops her blade with a scream as shadow shocks through her body. The Necromancer looks up. His eyes looks at us three with a murderous gaze.

    Luke teleports between Katherine and me, and casts a Heal. Most of my pain vanishes as warm energy course through my body. I get up painfully, stagger, then stand up upright. I pick my spear up and ready it against the Necromancer. Katherine also weakly staggers up and ready her retrieved blade.

    The Necromancer sighs deeply. "You must think that you are so strong to fight against me." He says with a deadly voice. "But even in my current state, I am stronger than you. When I gain sufficient power from your and others' souls, I shall finally be able to unleash my power!"

    So he can't get out of this room yet. I think.

    The Necromancer looks at me. "The blood of Amageln shall give me most of the energy I need."

    Use my new power. I think to myself. This power of Amageln, whatever that is. It pierced through the Necromancer's shield and hurt him.

    Luke reacts first, however. Before I could stop him, the mage teleports in front of the Necromancer and swings his staff. The Necromancer arcs his back, dodging the swing. He then jumps up and grab at Luke's staff. Luke shouts, and the tip of the staff creates and explosion. The Necromancer barely looks fazed, however. He pull Luke's staff down with such force, Luke has no choice to release the staff or go down to the ground, which would make him vulnerable to the Necromancer.

    The monster bring up one knee and snaps the staff. Luke gives a cry and stagger back. His eyes widen, then he falls to the ground, against the wall, next to Laris's unconscious body.

    Katherine and I waste no time: We reach the Necromancer at the exact moment he snaps Luke's staff. Katherine crouches and casts a Spin spell. The blade particles harmlessly bounces off the Necromancer's shadow shield. I focus my newfound power into my spear and cast a Bash. It shatters the shield.

    The Necromancer then smiles at me. He widen his eyes suddenly, and a shockwave radiate out. All around, and dark wisps start to appear. I am distracted: The Necromancer grabs at my spear's blade with his bare hand and swing me around, straight at the wall. The air in me is knocked out as my back hit the wall. During this process, I feel one or more bones in my folded wings snap. I cry in pain.

    Katherine is pushed back by the wisps. She swings at them, but her blade harmlessly passes through them. In return, the wisps are able to attack Katherine physically. The elf is pushed against the corner, only being able to defend.

    The Necromancer crouches in front of my form. A wicked grin appears on his face. "You may have his power, but you still haven't learned how to harness it."

    With that, the Necromancer brings his sharp point of his staff into my chest. I gasp. My body refuses to move the moment the staff stabs into my chest. I give a little cough. My vision quickly darkens. I suddenly find it extremely hard to breathe.

    This is... how... I.... die?

    A force of energy, enormous compared with the energy I used to create my magical attacks, shoots out of my body in a form of a shockwave. The Necromancer is thrown back, and his wisps disappear. Katherine is also affected by it; she gasps and collapse onto the ground.

    Breathing becomes easier. I look down at my chest, and see that the wound has stopped bleeding, even though it was still open. I was still weak, but I felt significantly stronger than before.

    The Necromancer looks surprised, then he tosses his head in the air and laughs. "Yes, boy, let it out!"

    I lift my hand and try to muster the same amount of energy, but fails. It only results into the same, weaker projectile, which the Necromancer deflects with a swipe of his hand. "You may have caught me by surprise the first time." He says. "But it won't work again."

    Suddenly, the ground shakes. Dust and chunks of stone fall from the ceiling. The Necromancer looks up, an expression of anger in his face. "No!" He screams, then faces me. "NO!"

    The Necromancer starts to charge at me. Suddenly, he staggers back, a gash in his chest. In the split second when the gash appeared on the Necromancer's chest, I see a flash of white hair. Then it disappears.

    I look behind, and see grey mist surround Luke's limp body. When it clears, Luke is no longer there. Laris is also gone. Katherine looks at me with fear.

    The Necromancer shout in rage and lift his hand. Shadow engulf the whole room.

    With deafening cracks, a strange, red matter breaks through the shadow. The red energy slowly makes the shadow disappear.

    I look back at Katherine, then see that she too has disappeared. I take a step back from the Necromancer, who now glows in a powerful aura. He shouts, "You won't escape! You won't..."

    At that second, something touches my back, and I disappear from the room.

    When I open my eyes, I feel the ground vibrate beneath me. I then close my eyes as sunlight hits my face. When my eyes get used to the sudden light, I open my eyes again.

    I am lying on soft grass. Luke and Laris lay unconscious around me. Katherine is sitting up, looking around in alarm. I do the same. We are on a green hill, on which a few ruins are dispersed. Behind me is a looming shape of a huge mountain. I figure that it is Mt. Wynn.

    In the distance before me is the town of Nemract. Far away, I can barely make out the buildings of Ancient Nemract.

    I meet Katherine's eyes. Then she motions with her head towards her left. I look towards the direction, and see two people standing and looking at us.

    One is a tall boy, who looks a bit older than Luke. His eyes and hair are black, and he wears grey clothing. A bow is strung across his shoulder. The boy has narrow cheekbones and sharp eyes.

    The other is a younger girl, who looks a bit younger than me. She has long, white hair, which glints in the sunlight. Her eyes are ghostly green, which looks a bit creepy with her white hair. She is thin, and only wears light robes. A sword is slung behind her back.

    I open my mouth to say something, then choke on my own blood. I spit it out next to me, then I ask coarsely, "Who're you?"

    The boy frowns. "Is that what you say to someone who just saved your lives?"

    "Jon." The younger girl scolds the boy. "Before you ask that." She cocks her head. "Why don't you check on your friends?"

    I nod and stagger up. I go over to Luke. I shake him. "Wake up."

    Luke groans, then opens his purple eyes. He blinks, then whisper, "What happened...?"

    "We escaped." I say. Luke frowns, then ask, "My staff..."

    "We couldn't retrieve it." I say. Luke nods, and sits up.

    When I move to Laris, Katherine is already there. "He's alive, thank goodness." Katherine says after checking Laris's pulse. "But he's cold."

    I touch Laris's forehead. It is unnaturally cold.

    "He was possessed by that terrible monster, after all." Katherine whispers.

    "We have to take him back fast." I say. Then I face the two kids. "So, who're you?"

    The boy, Jon, sighs. "Ask him." He gestures to behind me.

    I look back, alarmed, and see a man hooded in a grey cloak. He lifts his head, and I see a flash of red eyes under the hood.

    The gaze makes me shiver. I suddenly know who he is, and the realisation fills me with fear.

    "Aether." Katherine say next to me. The Aether looks at Katherine, then turn his gaze back at me.

    I try to ready my spear, but pain rushes through my belly as the Necromancer's wound widens. I gasp and drop my weapon. The Aether puts one foot on top of my spear.

    "So you are Nicolas." The man says quietly. I look up in surprise.

    "How do you know my name?" I say through gritted teeth.

    "I asked from your friends back in Detlas." The Aether says. Katherine widen her eyes. "The Resistance. Are they okay? Where are they?"

    The Aether glances at the tall boy and the white haired girl. "They are under the safety of the Ragni Army."


    "What do you mean, they were captured by the Ragni Army?" I ask, my face becoming hot. This man... he must've been responsible, the Resistance would never be captured by some soldiers. "What did you do?" I shout. My stomach hurts, but I don't care.

    The Aether looks down at me. His eyes suddenly flash with red light.

    "Marvin?" The white haired girl ask. "Why..."

    I don't have time to react. The second I realise what is happening, the Aether's leg already connected with my face. I gasp and fall back. Blood splutter out from my wound again. My vision becomes blurry as pain sears all over my body. I feel blood tickle out of my nose.

    "No!" Luke shouts. Then the mage gasps as the Aether lift his hand at him. Luke sits back down again, panting heavily, his hands on his throat.

    I look up painfully at the Aether. "Why..."

    I see the Aether's eyes flash in anger again. The man reach down slowly, and grasp at the side of my head.

    I scream. I couldn't think anything because of the pain in my head. I feel as if a thin blade is cutting through my head. My vision becomes red. I cannot breath as blood rise from my throat.

    Katherine screams and tries to attack the Aether, but is sent back when a ball of red energy hits her directly. She lands on the ground yards away and goes limp.

    "What do you know, Nicolas!" The Aether shouts both out loud and in my head. I wither in pain, but do not answer. "TELL ME!"

    I scream again as the Aether attack me again with a series of kicks. Now I am on my side, the ground beneath me covered in my own blood. I tremble, and try to lift my hand. I fail to do so, and my arm flops to the ground. Still I cannot close my eyes; the Aether does not let me with his torture.

    "What do you want?" Luke shouts weakly. The Aether shouts in frustration.

    "I want... answers!"

    My vision goes black. When I open my eyes, I see a blurry image of two small figures standing next to each other. I can't make out anything except for that one is wearing red clothing and the other is dressed in black. A pair of strange shapes are behind the boy dressed in black. He is shorter than the red one, too.

    "Why are you doing this?" I hear an oddly familiar voice, but I can't remember where I have heard it before.

    "I... can't take it anymore." Another voice says. I know that this one belongs to the boy in red, as I see his mouth moving. His voice also sounds very, very familiar. "I just want answers. Anything that explains this."

    The boy in black nods. "Then I'll assist you, brother."

    The vision ends, and my eyesight clears. I am in the same position as I was before, but I no longer feel pain in my mind. I look up, and see the Aether looking down at his hands. They are shaking.

    "Marvin..." The white haired girl whispers. She walks up to the Aether and touches his arm. The man does not react.

    "Grace. Jon. We're leaving." The Aether says. He then turns around and starts to walk away. The white haired girl and the tall boy hastily follows.

    I cough out blood. I gasp out, "You're going to leave us here?"

    The Aether stops, but does not look back. "Help from Nemract is coming. They should be here soon."

    "Why, Marvin?" I ask.

    The Aether looks back. His face is back to his expressionlessness.

    "I hope that we do not meet again, Nicolas." He says. Then he disappears into grey mist along with Jon and Grace.

    I sigh. Then I finally am able to close my eyes, and I go to sleep, not knowing or caring if I would ever wake up again.

    Next chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-22.177455/
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
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