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Lore/Story Angels And Demons: Chapter 15

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 8, 2017.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Hub thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-a-legends-story-hub-wynncraft-novel.163016/
    Previous chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-14.169574/

    Chapter 15: Warning

    Luke shows us around the Detlas town. We visit the market, the airbase, Identifier tower, library, and finally, the bank. The town is smaller than Ragni, and it has less residence. I feel a bit uncomfortable in this town, because it's so densely populated, and after the Resistance's warning about revealing myself as a mutant. Plus, I am probably the only elf in this town, no, the whole province.

    Luke is intelligent, I give him that. When we visited the Armour Merchant, he asked me and Nicolas, "I think you need better armour; those leather ones won't give you much protection."

    I preferred light armour, because then I could move fast and fly more easily. Nicolas probably felt the same way: he looked at me and frowned uneasily. "We prefer lighter armour." I said.

    "To move quick." Nicolas added.

    Luke nodded. "Understandable, if they are heavy, they'll slow you down in your flight."

    When we looked at him, surprised, Luke only laughed and said, "News travel quickly. Don't worry, not many people should've realised that you two are the angels from Ragni."

    "How did you find out?" Nicolas said.

    "Wind beaten face, messed up hair, and heavily cloaked around your back. For people who actually look for the 'angels', it's quite easy to guess. Mestin probably knows too." When we looked at each other, Luke asked, "Why d'you look worried?"

    I shook my head. "Nothing." Luke only shrugged and led us out.

    Now, he leads us into the bank, which stands out with the big emerald sign. The inside of the bank is made like a corridor, with a long counter on one side. In the counter are several villagers wearing expensive-looking robes, and black chests built into the counter.

    Luke walks toward one of the black chests. "This is your bank." He says. "Banks are all around the province, and you can store items in your personal chest, which exists in another dimension. Look."

    The mage places his hand on top of the black chest, which gives a click and opens. Inside the chest is a wide space, ignoring the actual size of the chest. Inside are all sorts of items, including emeralds, scrolls, and accessories. Luke closes his bank and looks up. "You wanna try?"

    "Sure." I say, and walk up to the black chest. Nicolas walks to another chest. I look back at Luke and ask, "We just put our hand on it?"

    Luke nods. "It might hurt the first time."

    Hurt? I bring my right palm on the black lid. For a second, nothing happens. Then some kind of an electric shock travel through my body from my hand. I cry out and step back. The chest gives a click and opens up.

    I put my emeralds and the stuff I brought from Fruma into the bank. Next to me, Nicolas does the same. He pulls out his bowl and looks at me. "We don't need this on our trips, right?" I shrug.

    As Nicolas start to put the bowl down into the chest, Luke grab him by the wrist. "Wait." He says. "What's that on the bowl?"

    Nicolas shows Luke the Wynnic runes that say, 'EARN' and the number '1'. Luke frowns, then his eyes widen.

    "Wait a sec." He hurries to one of the chest and open it up. He looks inside, then pulls out a scroll.

    Coming back, he opens the scroll up. "This is a recommendation letter that I received from Maltic, from defeating a witch that took residence inside their well and poisoned the villagers' water."

    "You defeated a witch, alone?" Nicolas asks. Luke nods. He's quite powerful. I think.

    "Look." He shows us the inside of the scroll. There is a few lines written in the Common Speech, in a messy handwriting. I don't find anything unusual about the letter, until I see the end of the letter. Below the signed words 'Rynend', four Wynnic runes are written. Below the runes is the number '2'.

    "Y....O...U...R." I read the runes. "'Your'."

    Nicolas brings Yahya's bowl next to the Recommendation Letter. The runes on both items begin to glow.

    "Earn your." Nicolas says. "These must be connected, somehow."

    Luke looks fazed. "Yes." He says. "You have to tell me how you got this bowl."


    Luke invited us to a bar, where we sat in a corner and talked. We told Luke about our meeting in Nolden, our fight, and the old mage rescuing us and sending us into Wynn.

    Luke takes an interest in this mage. "What did he look like?" He asks.

    Nicolas couldn't remember that well, so I tell Luke all I remember.

    Luke smiles faintly. "I know him. His name is Nilrem, and my old master in Fruma. You are lucky to meet him: he was a companion of Bob in his journeys, although he never really told me how they came to know each other."

    "Bob's companion?" I ask.

    "Although stories don't tell, Bob had two human companions other than his animals. Nilrem was one, and this young guy called Ragnar was another."

    We talk for a long time, in which time I suddenly realise that we might've told Luke too much. Luke doesn't seem to care, though.

    I look up as Luke and Nicolas talk about the Fruman Queen and her government. I see a small hooded figure walking into the bar. Their body figure reveals that the figure is a she. As I see, the people around the girl turn away the moment they come near the figure.

    I nudge Nicolas and Luke. They look back, alarmed, towards the girl. Behind her, several people walk into the bar, all hooded in a similar way. Two males, and three females, including the first girl. They all walk towards us.

    The tallest boy pull his hood back. I suck in my breath. Ken? So the others are...

    The others take stools from other tables and come towards our table. The people in the bar doesn't seem to notice the children taking the chairs. Luke, alarmed, reach for his staff, that is leaning on the wall.

    The five members of the Resistance crowd around the table. Nicolas and I move our stools so they can all seat. "Who are they?" Luke asks to me and Nicolas. Just at the same time, Ken asks, "Who is this guy?"

    The others now pull their hoods back. They are all here: Emma, Marcus, Cylene and Jenna.

    "Why are you here?" Nicolas asks. "Isn't it dangerous for you to be here?"

    "Yes." Emma says. "But Cylene hides us from others."

    "I didn't want to come all the way here." Ken says, narrowing his eyes. "It had too much risk, but Jenna and Marcus convinced me." Jenna and Marcus smile. "Anyway, who is this guy?" Ken points at Luke.

    "He's a... friend." Nicolas says.

    "Can we trust him?" Emma says. Lucius coughs. "I'm here, you know."

    "Can we trust you?" Ken says.

    "Luke." I turn to the mage. "These are the people of the Resistance. Perhaps you have heard of them."

    Luke's eyes widen. "I met a prisoner in Ragni who were looking for this so called Resistance."

    "Ooni?" Marcus asks. Luke nods.

    Ken looks at me and Nicolas. "We have to check him, now that he knows of us. Cylene?"

    Luke suddenly stands up. "What are you going to do to me? So you're all mutants, aren't ya?" Luke point his staff at Ken.

    In an instant, Ken stands up, and from his arm a blade grows. It stops right in front of Luke's face. Nicolas and I stand up too. Several people look at us with confused look on their faces, but Cylene raises her hand, and they all look away.

    "I will be careful if I were you." Ken says slowly. "I can chop your head off before you can blink."

    Luke clenches his teeth, but does not speak. He drops his staff onto the ground. Ken sits down again, the blade going back into his body.

    "Luke." Nicolas says. He sounds shaken. "Cylene will look into your mind. There is no choice, I'm sorry."

    Luke raise his hand. "It's fine. Your psychic can check."

    Cylene leans forward. "Look at me in the eye." Luke does, and in the same second gasps. He leans back onto the chair, breathing hard. Cylene frowns, then nods. "He's good."

    I smile. "It's good that we can trust you, Luke." Luke nods.

    "So, why did you come here?" Nicolas asks Ken. "You said we shouldn't interact with you?"

    "Yeah." I agree. "That was like, one day, and you're here."

    Ken's expression doesn't change. "We came here to warn you."

    "Warn us?" I frown. "About what?"

    "A mutant." Ken says. "Possibly the most powerful and dangerous ever created."

    "His name is Marvin Mildenhall." Emma says. "His parents were killed when he was 10, and was adopted by the Troms army. Five years ago, the Purifiers visited Troms and killed his childhood friend, along with exposing him as a mutant. Marvin killed every thirty Purifier there, who were all armed."

    "Poor guy." Nicolas says. His face looks troubled. "Who are the Purifiers?"

    "They are the organization we told you about." Jenna says. "They hunt for mutants around the province."

    "Marvin has the ability to control the Aether energy." Ken says. "It is a highly destructive energy that is almost impossible to control. Somehow, Marvin can."

    "If he is the enemy of the Purifiers, why is he dangerous?" Lucius asks.

    "Because he is unstable after his friend's death five years ago. We knew of him before, but now he is acting as a vigilante, killing everyone who he decides is 'evil'." Emma says. "When we came out from the sewers, we found out that several Purifiers were attacked in Ragni. Ooni was killed there too."

    "Along with that, two young men who helped the Purifiers find a mutant in Ragni for money was brutally murdered." Ken says.

    I look down. "So you're telling us we shouldn't do anything that he takes as evil."

    Ken nods. Marcus says, "Since you are Wynn soldiers, you are relatively safe, but if you do anything, like robbing a bank or something, he might come for you."

    "What about the Purifiers?" Nicolas asks.

    "The Purifiers know of your existence. They want to kill you, but you have the favour of the Ragni King. If you're far away from any cities, though, you can be attacked. So be watchful." Ken says.

    Ken stands up, and the others follow. Luke, Nicolas and I stand up too.

    "Be careful." I say. "Of the Purifiers, I mean."

    Emma smiles. "How long do you think we've been fighting them?"

    "Anyway, if you ever need help..." Marcus takes out a small crystal, and hands it to me. "If you shatter this, we... I mean, Cylene will be notified and will be told where you are."

    Nicolas looks at Cylene. "You sure have a lot of work to do, Cylene." She smiles and nods. "I'm content that I can help." She says.

    "One last advise." Ken says. "Don't stay here for too long. We'll be here for a few days to gather info, so you don't want to be involved when trouble comes."

    "We're done for hiding in sewers." Emma says. "It's time we fought back. Mutants are appearing over the province, and the Purifiers are busy. We have to help the newbies."

    "Are you planning to befriend this Aether guy?" Luke asks.

    "I don't know, he might be too dangerous. But if it all comes to a final battle, we need him on our side." Ken says.

    "Well, be careful, again." Nicolas says. We shake hands.

    The Resistance walk out of the bar, and disappears into the busy town.

    Next Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-16.173734/
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
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