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Lore/Story Angels And Demons: Chapter 14

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Amun_Ra, Dec 15, 2016.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Hub Thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-a-legends-story-hub-wynncraft-novel.163016/
    Previous Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-13.169461/

    Chapter 14: Lucius

    We sign in with the tall man (who is called the Gamemaster) for the fighting contest. Sixteen people join. Katherine seems surprised when she realises that she's the only girl in the group of fighters.

    The sixteen is then divided into to groups, A and B. Katherine joins A, and I join B. I see that the winner of the last tournament, is on Group A.

    On my first fight, I am against a random opponent. I find myself against a man who looks like he is in his thirties. The man holds a long sword. He smirks when he sees me. I smile to myself. They think I am weak: the surprise can be my advantage on the first fight.

    There are two ring/arenas prepared for the contest. Two games from each groups are played at once. Both my fight and Katherine's are on the first two matches. Two mages come around to place protective wards around us, as to prevent us from stabbing. The Gamemaster tells us that, we will feel every blow onto the ward, and it will disappear after a killing blow. As I step in the ring, I see people exchanging bids.

    The man in front of me swing his sword around, expressing his skill with the blade. It is quite impressive, I admit. I decide to look afraid, and take a step back.

    Instantly the man jumps on me, his . I wait until the last second, then I draw my spear and dodge. The sword misses my shoulder and whiz through the air. The man stumbles forward, and I rush from behind. The man recovers quickly, however, and face me, his face now serious. I block a blow from his sword with the tip of my spear. I cast a Bash, but the man jumps back.

    Using the distraction, I rush at him, then crouch and swing my spear against the ground. It catches the man's legs, and he is knocked off balance. I jump at him and stab my spear down. It stops an inch away from the man's body, then bounces off. The faint glow of the man's magical ward fades away.

    The crowd looks stunned. I have finished my fight quickly, quicker than the other three. The people look at me now with a certain amount of respect. A man comes and presents the winner, then he sends me to the fighters' waiting area. The second to arrive is Katherine, who has dust all in her hair.

    "D'you win?" She asks me. I smile and nod. "You?" I ask.

    "Of course. I was caught in surprise when my opponent through dust at my face during the fight, though." She says. We watch the other six matches, and see in every fight one soldier being removed from the contest. Lucius, the mage, wins his first battle with ease. He might be a trouble for us. I think.

    Eight of the fighters are out of the contest. Only eight more remain.

    My next match is with a large, bulky man. He has a battle two-bladed axe in his hands. Katherine watches my battle from the audience, since her battle is on the next round.

    The Gamemaster starts the match, and I charge at the man.

    The fight takes longer than I anticipated. I am quick, but the man is strong. He manages to land a punch to my back, and a kick in my stomach. Both were not killing blows, so the battle still continued, but the pain was enough to make me limp. But in the end, my speed tired the man, and I manage to slip my spear under the man's left shoulder.

    I sigh in relief: I had made it to the semi-finals.

    Tired, I slump down onto the stool provided for me. Katherine congratulates me on the battle, but she fidgets around, looking nervous. Her battle is against Lucius.

    At last she is called onto the ring. Katherine takes a deep breath, then walks up to the ring. Lucius walks in, looking less confident than before. He has seen Katherine fight: it was obvious she was an elf now, and everyone in the crowd knew it. During the battle, her hair flew everywhere, and her ear became visible easily.

    Lucius smiles weakly at Katherine. She charges Lucius, then quickly casts her Vanish spell.

    Lucius looks surprised, but he raise his wand just in time as Katherine becomes visible again and jab at him with her dagger. Lucius spins, and swing his wand, producing a line of purple particles that hit Katherine. She staggers back, her face hardened in pain.

    The battle takes a long time, in which a series of blows are exchanged. It looks like, however, neither side is winning.

    Katherine casts her spin attack, but Lucius jumps back. He jabs at Katherine with the sharp end of his staff, but Katherine catches it with her dagger and deflect it aside. Katherine jumps and lands in front of Lucius, and they come into position with their weapons locked onto each other. Lucius kneels onto one knee, obviously tired. Katherine smiles....

    Then Lucius disappears. Katherine staggers forward, losing balance. Lucius appears behind Katherine, a fiery trail behind him. Lucius spins his staff and bring it down onto Katherine's open back. She cries and falls to the ground. Katherine's ward fades away.

    He can teleport. I think. He must've hidden it to use as a surprise attack.

    The two of them stay in their position, panting, Lucius standing, Katherine lying on the ground. The Gamemaster walks over and presents the winner: Lucius. The mage helps Katherine get up, who smiles weakly and says, "That caught me by surprise."

    "Yeah it did." Lucius grins.

    Katherine comes to sit next to me. "That was a good battle." I say to her. She nods. "Well, good luck. With me out, it's likely you'll have to face him in the finals." She winks at me.

    My semi-final fight went on quickly enough. My opponent was a spearman like me, so I knew what moves he would make, and I countered it. As an angel, my reflexes were fast, and I gradually overcame the man's weakness: he always dodged to the right when I attacked.

    I learn after my battle the Lucius had won his battle, too. I meet his gaze from across the two rings. He smiles tiredly at me.

    After a few minutes of rest, I get up and get ready for my final battle. I look at my opponent from across the ring. He is polishing the gemstone on his staff. Katherine walks up to me and says, "He's fast. Always keep your back defended, because he'll teleport behind you. Otherwise, good luck."

    The Gamemaster calls out, "Final fight, Lucius from A group, and Nicolas from B group!"

    Rolling my shoulders, I walk into the ring. Lucius comes in after me.

    I don't charge him directly, but rather walk to the right. Lucius walks to the right, too.

    I see his arm tense. I jump back, barely missing the wisp of particles that Lucius summoned. I plant my spear behind me and cast a charge spell. I use the force to jump into the air and kick Lucius in the chest. He gives a small oof as he staggers back. I swing my spear, but Lucius teleports behind me. I anticipated the move, so I quickly spin and cast a bash. Lucius rolls to the side, then charge with his staff pointed at me. He shouts, "Kustá!"

    A force of air knock me off my feet. I land on my back, but using the momentum, I roll backwards and stand up. Lucius starts to say something else, so I charge up to right in his face and start jabbing at him with my spear. Not having enough time to cast any spells, he uses his staff to block my blows.

    Lucius kicks me in the shin with his leather boots, and I stagger back. Lucius raise his staff overhead. A huge fireball materialises in the air above him, and falls straight at me. I cry out and jump out of the way, but not enough. The fireball explodes only a few inches away from me, and I fall to the ground, my side hurting.

    I grunt and roll sideways as Lucius jumps towards me. "Ha!" I shout, then I concentrate my magic onto the tip of my spear. Lucius comes to me, and then, I bring my spear up in an Uppercut. A huge force of energy knocks the mage off his feet and send him spiralling back to the edge of the ring.

    The spell leaves me very tired. I groan, then run up to Lucius. He had gotten up and was now limping at me.

    A series of furious blows are exchanged in the next few minutes. By the end, we are both panting heavily, and we move very slowly. Lucius pushes me back, then teleports. I whirl around and block his blow from behind me. I grab near the tip of my spear and bring it down on Lucius's staff.

    With our weapons locked together, we stare at each other. Lucius grits his teeth, and look up at me with pure focus. My arms tremble, but I keep pushing. Lucius's face shows his strain and pain. A sweat roll down into his left eye. Using that as an advantage, I push hard, using the last of my energy. Lucius gives a cry and fall backwards, releasing his staff. I weakly bring my spear up and bring it down onto the mage's chest.

    The crowd erupts into shouts. I fall to the ground next to Lucius, and lay there, catching my breath. My body felt like it was made of stiff sticks. Lucius slowly gets up and mumbles something. I look at him. "Sorry?" I say.

    "Good game." Lucius says, more clearly. I smile and grasp his outstretched hand. He pulls me up.

    "The winner of this contest is Nicolas!" The Gamemaster shouts. I raise my spear, then quickly lower it. My arm hurt just by doing that. The crowd cheers.

    The Gamemaster shakes my hand and hand me a heavy bag of emeralds. I thank him, then walk out of the ring. People come to congratulate me, but when I stay quiet, they lose interest and go away. Katherine nods at me. "Good job." She says, then frowns. "This doesn't mean you're a better fighter than me, Nico. Remember that."

    I smirk, amused. "Okay. Also, when did you start calling me Nico?"

    She rolls her eyes. "Just now, bonehead."

    We slip past the crowd, who were gathering for the last contest, which was bigger, with forty people. How the Gamemaster organised so much contests and why, was a mystery to me, but I had no more desire to fight.

    I look to my left, and see Lucius walking up to us. I nod to him. "Lucius." I say.

    "Nah, call me Luke." He says. "You guys aren't fighting anymore?"

    Katherine shakes her head. "Okay, then. You two are new to this city, right? I'll show you around." Luke says.

    Next Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-15.173449/
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
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