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Lore/Story Angels And Demons: Chapter 13

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Amun_Ra, Dec 14, 2016.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Hub Thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-a-legends-story-hub-wynncraft-novel.163016/
    Previous Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-12.169117/

    Chapter 13: Nightmare

    The world is dark. Coldness hang in the air.

    In the distance stands a tall fortress covered in mountains and green Jungle. The citadel looks destroyed. I float in the air, watching a battle. As I watch, a large army full of horrible monsters and humanoid creatures with horns attack the citadel. The first gate has been destroyed, and the battle has started between Men and the creatures of Darkness.

    Screams and roars come from the citadel. I can see many lives being lost. I start to run towards the battle, when I see something moving.

    In the sky, a black shape, so dark in colour that it is visible in the night sky, rises. It looks like an extremely large sphere, with long, jagged spikes sprouting from all over its body. The spikes wither around, which makes them look like hundreds of tentacles.

    In the middle of the sphere, a giant eye opens its eye. The eye covers one entire side of the sphere. The pupil of the eye is as large a house, blood-red, and filled with hatred and malice.

    I stare at the enormous creature, petrified. The creature emits an aura so dark, the light of the fire around the battle glow dimmer.

    The Eye meets my eyes. It looks at me with intense focus. Pain erupts all over my body; my flesh disintegrate, my bones crunch together. I scream.

    I find myself on a wooden floor, sitting upright, holding my throat. I am drenched in sweat. My head feels heavy, and I have a severe headache.

    "Good morning." Nicolas says from across the room. He is already in his armour, and is sitting cross-legged on the floor, looking at his map. He frowns when he sees my frightened face. "You okay?"

    My heartbeat slows, and my headache becomes more bearable. I sigh deeply. "Bad dream." I say. Nicolas nods and looks back at his map. I quickly get up and don my armour.

    "Look at this." Nicolas says once I have packed my stuff up. I come over to him, and he shows me his map. First, I don't notice anything much, then I see words scribbled at the bottom of the map. It read, "Report to Captain Mestin in Detlas."

    "These words appeared on my map a few minutes ago. Check yours." Nicolas says. I open my sack and take my map out. I see the same message on my map.

    "So. We get the bowl to Yahya, then we head to Detlas. That okay?" Nicolas asks. I nod. It sounded like a plan.

    We take the ladder down, and walk down to the village. It was still early, and most of the village was still asleep. I see the bowl merchant in the distance. I raise my hand as he looks up. The villager smiles and raise his hand back.

    We make our way through the forest again, as the sun becomes brighter. The sunlight, however slight between the leaves, becomes stronger. In about half an hour, we reach the pond where Yahya lives. The sunlight is bright and hot on my face.

    Yahya comes out of his door when we knock on the door. "Who are...." He starts to say, then he shakes his head. "I-I remembered you, of course. Where is my... Mushroom? No, bowl?"

    "Here." Nicolas takes the new bowl out of his sack. He hands it to Yahya, grasps it. "I... I didn't think you could find it... Um..."

    "I guess I need t-to pay you now." Yahya says. "Just take these and go away."

    Yahya hands Nicolas a bag, then shuts his door. Nicolas looks inside the bag, then pour about half of the emeralds into my pouch. There weren't much, but the amount was enough to repay us for our work. "That was quite rude, that man." I say. Nicolas half smiles and nods.

    "Off to Detlas, then!" He says, and shoulders his sack.

    "Can we fly there?" I ask. "The Wynn Army knows that we are angels, and it's only a short distance. Plus, it's almost uninhabited."

    Nicolas smiles. "I was waiting for you to ask."

    Spreading our wings, we take off into the morning sky. I vibrate in joy; it just felt so good, stretching my sore wings. I laugh and flap my wings, gaining altitude. From above, the Nivla Woods look much less intimidating.

    Nicolas rise next to me. "The wind is heading East." He says. I am already starting to realise that when he says that. "This should be a fast and easy flight."

    I grin. Nicolas flies upward, where there is more wind, and I follow.

    The flight, as Nicolas predicted, is quick and easy. About half an hour later, we come in sight of a huge city in middle of a plain. "That's Detlas!" Nicolas shouts. I nod, and starts descending in the nearby path. We land next to an apple orchid.

    "Ah." I roll my shoulders. I put my wings tight against my back, and tie a belt around my chest. With my wings secured, I put my cloak over my shoulders. Nicolas does the same next to me.

    When we are ready, we take our weapons out and heads towards Detlas. Outside the city are a few zombies, which we quickly eliminate. The walls are higher and thicker than the Ragni Walls. We enter the city through the West Gate.

    The city is much busier than Ragni. Both villagers and humans alike hustle around, talking, doing business. I see several villagers in foreign clothes. I guess that they are merchants from other parts of Wynn and other Provinces.

    A human, wearing armour and holding a spear, walk past us. I catch him and ask him, "Excuse me, where are the barracks?" The man points us to the Northern side of the city, where one of the biggest buildings stand. We thank the soldier and we head towards the big building. It quickly becomes obvious that the building is the barracks: there are many soldiers coming out and inside the building.

    We go inside. A sign on the barrack wall says, "Captain Mestin's Office. New Recruits Report." Beside the sign is a door. We knock on the door, and a rich voice calls, "Come in!"

    We walk inside a small room with a single desk in the middle. A middle aged man sits there, with a bow behind him on the wall. He wears military clothes with a red scarf around his shoulders. "I suppose you are new recruits from Ragni?" He asks.

    We nod. "Good." He says. "Welcome to the central city of Detlas. I am Mestin, captain of Detlas army."

    "Why did we need to report to you?" Nicolas asks.

    "This was the first test: if the new soldiers had the courage to travel through the Nivla Woods and reach here through danger." Nicolas nods. "Ah."

    Captain Mestin nods. "Good. Now you have the Wynn Army's permission to travel across the land anyhow you want, working for the greater good and support in this war. Now leave my office, and explore!"

    We thank him and walk out of the office. I mess up my hair to cover my pointed ears, to avoid much attention. My whole ears are not covered, but at least no one would notice unless they paid extra-attention.

    We explore the city. We look at the market, where merchants bought and sold items. We also check out the Identifier's Tower, which is pretty cool, with a huge hourglass on top.

    As we walk out of the tower, we see a large crowd gathering at the Southern part of Detlas. As we walk near it, we see two people duelling each other. One is a man with two daggers, and another is a young blonde boy. He looks about the same age as Nicolas and me (Although I'm like, 31), and his hair is a bit darker than mine. As we watch, the boy swing his staff around, deflect the man's blow with the blades, and knock him back. He then jumps and fires a projectile at him. The projectile knocks the man down to the ground. The blonde boy pins his opponent down with his staff. The crowd goes louder. The boy help the man back onto his feet.

    A tall man comes into the ring. "Thus the winner of this contest is Lucius!" With that, the boy raise his staff, and people shout in approval. The tall man hands the boy, Lucius, a bag. My keen eyesight catches the green light reflected off by emeralds.

    The man shouts, "The next contest is for the most skilled fighters. You may fight and hurt each other, but no maiming and killing! The prize is four hundred emeralds!" The crowd talk to each other in excitement.

    I grin. "Wanna join?" I ask Nicolas. He smiles back.

    "Yeah, lets!"

    Next Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-14.169574/
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
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