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Lore/Story Angels And Demons: Chapter 11

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Amun_Ra, Nov 27, 2016.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Hub thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-a-legends-story-hub.163016/
    Previous Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-10.166258/

    Chapter 11: The Aether

    -Five years ago-

    I am supposed to be dead. But I escaped it. Now I wish I was dead.

    I am a mutant. I have to keep it a secret, because they, the Purifiers, will hunt me down and kill me.

    There were only a few people who ever knew my powers.

    They are gone now.

    A steady rhythm of rain hitting the ground can be heard from inside. My parents, talking near me, about me. They think I am asleep.

    "Marvin's powers are growing." My mother whispers, sounding nervous. "He sometimes can't control it."

    "You want to move?" My father asks. "Wynn's our home."

    "Our home has become a warzone. Marvin can be recruited anytime. Then his power can be revealed."

    "We can't take that risk." Father agrees. "Corkus, maybe?"

    "We can..." A loud bang sounds outside. "What was that?" Mother says, alarmed.

    There is a whirling sound, then a huge crash. I leap up, crying out.

    I stand up, facing a huge black figure standing behind a gaping hole that has covered the house wall. A huge, black golem.

    My parents leap up, but are swatted aside. I know they are killed instantly: I could feel their energy force disappearing.

    I stand there, trembling, still not comprehending the situation. Then I think. My parents are dead. Dead!

    The golem killed them.

    I feel a scream welling up inside me, but don't hear anything. The world turns cold, deadly cold, and all sounds are drained.

    The golem starts rushing towards me. I say quietly, "Varogunn. Aether."

    All colours fade away. Then, everything in the house starts flying in circles around me. The golem freezes, pushed back by an invisible force. The objects around me dissolve into red, liquid matter.

    I raise my hand, and the Aether force explodes into all directions, the golem being dissolved instantly.

    I wake up with a jolt. Sweat cover my body. I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. I quietly wipe it away. This dream... it was the worst that I ever had. And it was getting more frequent.

    A trumpet rings outside. I look around the bunk, finding it empty. I swear and leap up. Raising my hand, I order the bed sheet to align and fold itself, then my uniform to come towards me from the closet. I put them on quickly, get my bow and quiver, and dash outside.

    A girl is leaning against the wall when I come outside. "Playing with your power again?" She asks, smiling.

    "Shut up, Amilda." I say and follow her across the barracks. "Where's everyone?"

    "An event. I don't know what it's about, though." She looks at my expression. "Bad dream?"

    I nod. "The night when my parents died."

    Me and Amilda are both orphans. We are training to be soldiers in Troms. Amilda was the sole living person who knew of my powers(I hope). She's been here as long as I have been, which is about 7 years. I am 15 now.

    Amilda looks uncomfortable and nods. We hurry towards the training grounds, where the fellow students are lined around a small stage. The other citizens were there.

    We join the lines of the soldiers without getting in any major trouble.

    Me and Amilda tiptoe and try to look at the figures in the middle. There were several villagers in formal clothings, surrounded by huge golems. I suck in a breath. The same black golems that had killed my parents.

    I silently tremble with rage. Why were they here?

    Then I notice the boy in the middle. I recognise him: Troomi, a boy from Iboju Village nearby. He was in the same bunk as I was. He was being held by one of the golems.

    One of the villager walks up and faces the crowd. He wears a golden pendant with a picture of an eye. His skin is slightly dark, and he has a sword on his belt.

    "Citizen of Troms!" The man shouts. "I am Grasfon of the Purifiers group. Today, we have found a criminal in your army!" Purifiers were a group who were trying to eliminate mutants, kids with powers like me, from this world. Now I know: The Purifiers were the ones who killed my parents.

    The golem shoves the boy forward, who is pushed to the ground by two other villagers. "He is a mutant hiding in our ranks. A traitor, he is: he is not a human, nor a villager, nor any creature that deserve to live in these provinces!"

    With that, the two villagers lift Troomi up and tie him to the flogging post. Troomi shouts, but his voice is blocked by the cuff placed around his mouth. Another Purifier takes out a whip. Grasfon nods, and the man starts flogging the boy.

    Troomi's scream echoes through the field. Some of the violent students look with interest, while some look away. Some, who were close to Troomi are weeping. None stops to do anything.

    "Who authorised this?" Amilda says next to me. "They don't have the right to take the people of Troms and torture them!"

    "Amilda..." I start to say. I knew her enough that she might do something stupid.

    Amilda suddenly breaks out of the line and starts running towards the stage. The other students and the citizens start to murmur and point at her.

    "Don't! They are the ones who killed...." I start to say, but then, there is a clack, and a bright light flashes outwards from the center. Troomi breaks free of the ropes that tied him somehow. He raises his hands towards Grasfon, and a freezing current of air wave over from the boy, all across the field. The crowd cry out and shield themselves from the cold wind. There is another clack, and a wall of jagged ice spikes cover the stage. The wall clash onto Grasfon and the golems.

    Then, with one single explosion, the whole wall of ice explodes, sending shards everywhere. The Purifiers, including the golem gets up. Their pendants, the ones with the symbol of an eye, glow bright red.

    Troomi's expression changes from one of victory to desperation. With a flash of a blade, Grasfon bring his sword right to the boy's neck. Troomi freezes.

    "Stop!" Amilda reaches the stage, and comes to stand in front of Grasfon, with me several meters away from her, the guards pushing me back. Amilda somehow made her way through the guards.

    "You have no right to take citizens of Troms and torture them!" Amilda cries. There are nods of agreement amongst the crowd. Troomi looks up gratefully at Amilda.

    Grasfon only smiles. "Oh, young girl, I do. The Purifiers' actions have been authorised by the Troms King."

    With that, the villager swing his sword up, beheading Troomi, and stab it through Amilda.

    "No!" I scream. Amilda, her eyes wide open, falls to the ground. The crowd goes silent.

    I meet Grasfon's eyes. The villager smiles.

    A huge shockwave radiates outwards from where I am standing. The people of Troms all fall to the ground. I raise my hand, and on my palm grows a red rune.

    "Varogunn, Aether!"

    The world goes silent, and cold. Grasfon just stands there confidently, his pendant in his hands. There is a hint of doubt in his expression, though.

    The ground beneath me crack. The crowd screams inaudibly and start trying to run away from the stage. I summon a wave of red Aether energy from the ground, which gives an audible roar and rise into the air.

    With a cry, I bring the energy down into the stage, destroying the wooden structure. The Purifiers stand there frozen, their pendants growing unnaturally bright. As I watch, each of the pendants pop, releasing a force of energy which kills its holder. Grasfon was the last to die. I personally walk toward his frozen figure, and use his sword to stab him through the heart, through is pendant.

    Few seconds later, the roaring of the energy subsides. The world regains its colour, and its sound. People around me look at me with fear.

    The ground around me is the same as it had been, except for the collapsed stage, and the corpses of the Purifiers, Troomi and Amilda.

    As I look at Amilda's body, something snaps inside me. I now have lost everyone who has ever cared about me.

    I look back at the silent citizens of Troms. I no longer wish to damage this city. I will, someday, hunt down the Purifiers, every single one of them. And then, I'm coming for you, King of Troms.

    No tears came out of me from that day, not a single drop. My hair have turned from black to grey, my eye blue to dark red. My skin is now grey colour. I roam around the province as a lone traveller.

    I will kill. Bring death. They have taken away love and life from me: Now I will take love and life away from them, too.

    I am the Night Hunter. The bane of Purifiers. The Aether.

    Next Chapter: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/angels-and-demons-chapter-12.169117/
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
    ZiyiCrafting and Kaelan~ like this.
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