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Guide An Analysis On Some New Ingredients

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SmileAndWaveBoyz, Feb 2, 2021.

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  1. SmileAndWaveBoyz

    SmileAndWaveBoyz Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey guys, so while most people were interested in the new gathering xp ingredients coming out, a few new 0star ingredients caught my eye. So, what's special about these ingredients? They are sold from a new confectionary merchant in Letvus airbase (-251 -4956), which I'm sure some of you have already seen. As soon as I saw these new ingredients I instantly started thinking of the possibilities of these to level up crafting professions.

    Idk about anyone else but if I had the choice between buying ingredients quickly from a merchant or grinding ingredients for hours... I know which one I would prefer. So I turned my attention into seeing if these new ingredients might save some grinding time to anyone out there that wants to level their craftings. Lets have a look.... (TLDR at the bottom)


    So as you can see, these ingredients are either lvl 60 or 65, and cost between 10 and 14 emeralds each. For reference the zombie eyes you can purchase from the necromancy merchant in Thanos are 12 emeralds each. So far, seems to have potential, not overpriced and at a decent level range where the grinding picks up a bit. As you can see, there is one ingredient for each crafting profession, with all of them able to be used for cooking (makes sense from a confectionary merchant I guess).
    Lets go into detail for each of the crafting professions...

    Candy Button (lvl 60, 10e).

    A good option after gold bars, can theoretically use gold bars (or fake teeth) up to 60 then candy button after. Skips misc ingredients such as antic bead and native jadeite. Could possibly use instead of lost talisman, stack of coins and pure rainstone all the way to ivory tusks, will require some extra materials due to lower level.

    Old Path
    Gold Bars (31) > Antic Bead(55) + Native Jadeite(63) > Lost Talisman (71) > Stacks of Coins(73) or Pure Rainstone(77) > Ivory Tusks(86)
    Possible New Path
    Gold Bars (31) > Candy Button(60) > Stacks of Coins(73) or Pure Rainstone(77) (can maybe skip this step) > Ivory Tusks(86)

    Ice Cream Sandwich (lvl 65, 10e).

    Generally lizard tails (55) are used until ghostly membrane at 70. This can replace some lizard tails and possibly be used instead of ghostly membrane or fairy dust, as these are both painful to grind. A good option I think up to possibly earthy auras.

    Old Path
    Lizard Tails (55) > Ghostly Membrane(70) or Fairy Dust(72) > Earthy(84) + Fiery Aura(88)
    Possible New Path
    Lizard Tails (55) > Ice Cream Sandwich(65) > Earthy(84) + Fiery Aura(88)

    Candy Button and Ice Cream Sandwich (and Letvus Delight)

    All the ingredients here can be used in for cooking. Cooking has been a tough one to level particular upwards of lvl 70. The cheapest and highest level options here are Candy Button (lvl 60 12e) and Ice Cream Sandwich (lvl 65 10e). Generally lizard tails (55) are used until severed hearts (69). These new ingredients mean less lizard tails are required. However, it could also be viable to use these as a replacement for severed hearts and pigs remains, meaning the tough grind to lvl 90 could be covered using this merchant. Once again, some more materials will likely be required, due to the lower level of Ice Cream Sandwich.

    Old Path
    Lizard Tails (55) > Severed Hearts (69) > Pigs Remains (78) > Perkish Potatoes(90)
    Possible New Path
    Lizard Tails (55) >Candy Button (60) > Ice Cream Sandwich (65) > Maybe skip Severed Hearts and Pigs Remains? > Perkish Potatoes(90)

    The merchant also sells Letvus Delight, a 1star lvl 70 cooking ingredient for 224 emeralds. Only an option if you are willing to spend a lot of emeralds (see math in next section).

    Wybel Taffy (lvl 65, 10e).

    A viable option after naga tails (55) can skip myconid spores and go straight to bug blood.

    Old Path
    Naga Tails (55) > Myconid Spores(71) > Royal Bug Blood(76)
    Possible New Path
    Naga Tails (55) > Wybel Taffy(65) > Royal Bug Blood(76)

    Sugar Stick (lvl 65, 14e).

    Can definitely use this to replace zombie eyes. The path before was zombie eyes to bug blood. Price isn't a concern only 2 emeralds more, and you will need less ingredients given the higher level.

    Old Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Royal Bug Blood (76)
    Possible New Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Sugar Stick(65) > Royal Bug Blood (76)

    Big Jawbreaker (lvl 60, 14e).

    Another suitable replacement of zombie eyes, again 2 emeralds more expensive but still 6 levels higher than zombie eyes, will also need less materials probably.

    Old Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Gollier Iron (74)
    Possible New Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Big Jawbreaker(60) > Gollier Iron (74)

    Licorice Ropes (lvl60, 12e).

    Once again a perfect replacement of zombie eyes, as it also the same price (12e). I would probably recommend using it until gert skin.

    Old Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Gert Skin (78)
    Possible New Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Licorice Ropes(60) > Gert Skin (78)

    Cocoa Caps (lvl65, 12e).

    Yeah again can be used as a replacement of zombie eyes. Same price and higher level.

    Old Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Gollier Iron (74)
    Possible New Path
    Zombie Eyes (54) > Cocoa Caps(65) > Gollier Iron (74)

    The Cost
    It may seem a bit of a money sink that some people might not want to invest in. I know when I first started I was worried I was spending too many emeralds purchasing ingredients from merchants. Lets do some rough math to see how many emeralds it might cost.

    Most expensive ingredient = 14e
    number of ingredients per craft = 6
    Therefore, 84 emeralds per craft.
    number of approx crafts 60-80 = ~90 (from crafting guide)
    =7560 ~118 emerald blocks. Just under 2le.

    What if you want to go to lvl 90?
    approx number of crafts ~100, however given the lower level of the ingredient you will need some more crafts. Lets just take an exaggerated guess at 150 crafts (worse case scenario)
    150*84 = 12600 = 197 ebs ~3 le

    Therefore, it would cost approximately 5le to go from level 60 to 90 using the merchant. Once again these are pretty much guesses, but it gives us a ball park figure.

    However, this doesn't take into account the emeralds gained from selling crafted items to the blacksmith. I crafted 10 lvl 60 bows and averaged a return of 77 emeralds per bow. Therefore, averages 77 emeralds back per craft, leaving a gap of only around 10 emeralds per craft. If you manage to sell most of the items you craft this results in only 14eb 60-80 and 38ebs 60-90.

    Assuming you sell at least half of the items you crafted (which can be more or less, really depends on personal preference) this averages to 46 emeralds per craft.

    Therefore, as an approximate figure it would cost you around 1le to level from 60-80 and around 2.5le 60-90, per crafting (can be significantly less if you sell most crafted items). I think this investment is very much worth, but again it is up to the individual. IMO, the cost of using merchant ingredients are negligible.

    What about the cost of Letvus delight? 224 emeralds per ingredient equates to 21 ebs per craft. That's pretty expensive. It takes around 150 0star crafts to go from 70-90. Lets guess around 125 crafts with the 1star ingredient.

    That's 2,625 ebs or ~41le. Yeah I dare say not worth to use Letvus delight to level up unless you're rich and willing to burn some money.

    • New 0star ingredients from confectionary merchant at Letvus airbase can be used to level up craftings.
    • Jeweling benefits greatly now able to go merchant to merchant (from gold bars).
    • Scribing also benefits from these ingredients as it can replace the painful grind of ghostly membrane/fairy dust.
    • Cooking also sees a possible alternative, can opt for the easier route of this merchant rather than the long grind of severed hearts or pigs remains.
    • They can also be used as a (better) replacement for zombie eyes.

    Welp, thats it. Hope this might be useful for someone, or maybe encourage more people to level up their craftings! Keep in mind this is just a guide/suggestion, there are many possible ways to level up (and probably better ways), you can level up in whatever way you want:P

    Feel free to offer any suggestions or correct me if I have done something wrong:) If there's any other ingredients that you think can improve the grind feel free to share!
    btdmaster, Texlla, Aemor and 17 others like this.
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