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Lore/Story Almuj: Sand-swept Danger

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by SushiSlice, Oct 24, 2017.


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  1. SushiSlice

    SushiSlice A Sushi Slice

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    Happy Hallowynn, once again! Sand Swept Tombs is one of my favorite dungeons, and so here's some semi-spooky Almuj lore.

    (Last Week's Lexdale Lore: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/lexdale-ancient-darkness.206531/)

    The key clanked into the lock, and the ancient gates of the tomb swung open. The archeologists stared in awe as they saw the ancient hallway laid before them, carved from the tough sandstone of the Almuj Desert. As one of them lit a torch, they entered the ancient tomb that had been untouched for a hundred thousand years. But they were not the only people who were in that ancient crypt. A beast watched them from above, as they scanned the tunnel carved from sandstone and gasped in awe at the ancient heiroglyphics imprinted into the walls. It licked its lips as the archeologists entered the tomb. For the first time in a hundred thousand years, it would enjoy a fresh, warm meal.
    The hallway opened up into a huge room, filled with crystals casting multicolored reflections upon the walls. But the archeologists' excitement was short lived. With the whirr of an ancient mechanism, the gears upon the sides of the walls sprang to life, and the door slammed shut behind them. At the same time, side doors burst open, filled with angry creatures. Their hide was bright yellow, with huge, angry eyes. They had mandibles upon their mouths tough enough to shred through steel. With the hissing of battle cries, the starved creatures attacked.
    But the explorers were nowhere near defenseless. One whipped out a dagger, its wicked blade gleaming in the crystal light. With a swipe of the blade, a dozen creatures burst open, their blood spilling upon the sandstone. A mage incanted a quick spell, and the flesh eaters turned upon their own allies, slashing at the insects while they screamed and howled in confusion. The warrior and archer released an endless volley of attacks, until the last creature lay slain at their feet. With the last of them slain, the archeologists continued down the crypt.
    The explorers continued through the ancient tomb, decoding heiroglyphics, scaling ancient ruins, and fighting horrible monsters locked away withing the tomb. Finally, the archeologists slayed the last creature, who screeched and collapsed to the stone. The boss door loomed before them, and with a quick flick of a lever, the doors burst open, and the nervous adventurers stepped through.
    Hashr looked simple enough. It seemed human, with deep brown eyes, wearing delicate jewels and bracelets on his skin. Grasped in his hand was a dull dagger. But his dull, boring facade quickly washed away as one of the explorers attempted to attack it. Immediately, as the attack landed, the room swerved upside down, causing the archeologists to tumble down onto the ceiling. Hashr himself had changed too. His human face had morphed into a lions'. Fur sprouted from his skin. His dull knife transformed into a wicked claw, with three blades gleaming wickedly. Making no sound whatsoever, the beast leapt at them.
    The explorers clashed violently, their weapons clanking against Hashr's powerful claw. The archeologists fought with all of their force, striking Hashr's thick hide as his blood slowly spilt onto the sandstone. But the adventurers were weakened even more. They could not keep up with Hashr's flurry of brutal claw slashes, and finally, after a last breath attempt, the explorers collapsed, leaving Hashr to munch of their flesh, his first meal in a hundred thousand years.
    But these adventurers would not be his last meal.
    It would be his first, in many to come.

    Have a good Hallowynn!
    -SushiSlice, Level 90 Mage
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