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Account hacked question

Discussion in 'Questions' started by AccursedDream, Aug 27, 2021.

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  1. AccursedDream

    AccursedDream Newbie Adventurer

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    I just heard from someone that our guild bank was looted and it was by my account.
    I logged in only to find that everything of any value on my account was gone. I didn't think about it too hard when I first logged in although very odd, but I realized when I logged in it immediately took me to "choose class account" page. Not directly to the lobby to choose a world. What I did notice and felt was odd at first was initially there was weird numbers and letters in the background of my character before it changed to normal which I assume was because of the hacker. My question is, is it possible that they directly hacked my wynncraft account? Does they have to know my actual minecraft username and password or did they some how broke into wynncraft's server and accessed my account through that? If it is the former then I need to worry about my minecraft account itself. If it is the latter then...should I email wynncraft mods?
  2. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    when was the last time you played? wynn changed play.wynncraft.com to send you directly into a world a couple months ago, so you probably were just using that ip
    nothing to do with any hackers, that's just what happens when wynntils updates the background image lol

    the chance your wynncraft data got hacked is basically zero - someone has your minecraft account and you should be changing your passwords asap
    Ninja_VK and fishcute like this.
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