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Guild Absolute Radience [asrd] | Lvl. 38 | Recuiting [7/48]

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by LePaul, Mar 23, 2021.

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  1. LePaul

    LePaul Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    About us:
    Absoulute Radience [ASRD] was created on Feb. 27th 2021 by LePaul.
    We are an active war guild, while also remaining a fun and welcoming guild.
    Our goal as a guild is to become a powerful force that will hold its territory for a long time.
    We treat our guild community with respect and look forward to new recruits.
    The native language is German, but everyone is welcome.

    1. Be respectful to everyone
    2. Keep inappropriate content outside of the Discord / Guild chat
    3. You need Discord
    4. You should be active, whether In-game or on the Discord ( voice chatting is not a requirement)
    5. You are not allowed to give any guild internal information to anyone outside the guild

    Our Ranks:

    Owner{Owner*****} - Leader of the Guild
    Co-Owner{Chief****} - Replaces the owner in absence

    WarChief{Chief****} - Chosen by the owner. Control the wars.
    CommunityChief{Chief****} - Chosen by the owner. Make sure that the guild members adhere to the community rules.

    Strategist{Strategist***} - Co-War-Chief
    Pacifist{Captain**} - Main War Team. Obtained by having a good build and at least 1 level 100+ class.
    Inserter{Captain**} - Be involved in the guild

    Recuiter{Recuiter*} - Active Member (In-Game or Discord)
    Recuit{Recuit} - Default Rank



    - lvl. 30+ combat in atleast one class
    - you have to own a discord account

    Application Form:

    Main Class:
    Highest Combat Level Class:

    Please write your application via Discord (or Forum) to:
    - #3205LePaul
    - #4824YourSenpai
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
    N0FateForYou likes this.
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