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A Truly Nuclear Build

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by bencrab, Jan 22, 2025.


Introduce more Nuclear items in Wynncraft

  1. Hell yeah!

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  2. Sure ig

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  3. Not sure/not interested

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  4. Why is this even important?

    1 vote(s)
  5. Never cook again

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  1. bencrab

    bencrab Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    So I have been looking for some nuke builds and made a startling discovery - barely any of them have any nuclear properties! The audacity, how can you call it a nuke build if you can't even give your enemies radiation poison?? I have decided to right this wrong by finding any piece of armor that has a relation to nuclear energy and compiling it all into a truly nuclear build. Here is what I found:
    • Nuclear Emesis
    • Uranium Aegis
    • Atomizer
    • Crater Print
    • Hellion*
    • Photon*
    • Prowess*
    • Gigabyte*
    • Hesperium
    Here is the link to the build

    *These items don't have anything to do with nuclear energy, they just ensure the nuclear build is actually stable

    It seems that Wynncraft does not have a lot of armor themed around nuclear energy, which is a tragedy. We must remedy this wrong, Wynncraft - a fantasy world set in the medieval/early industrial era, MUST have a wide array of nuclear armor pieces and weapons!

    Disclaimer: This build is by no means a good one. It has decent poison damage and earth damage, but average in everything else.