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Guide A Quick List Of The Coords Of All The Scroll Merchants In Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Geshultz, Jun 7, 2021.

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  1. Geshultz

    Geshultz Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick little list of were all scroll merchants are that currently exist in Wynncraft.

    Ragni Scroll Merchant Coords: x -815, y 67, z -1561

    Detlas Scroll Merchant Coords: x 476, y 67, z -1536

    Almuj Scroll Merchant Coords: x: 931, y 75, z -1924

    Rymek Scroll Merchant Coords: x 1324, y 31, z-1343 (Requires gold bars to buy scrolls)

    Nemract Scroll Merchant Coords: x : 121, y 39, z -2207

    Nesaak Scroll Merchant Coords: x: 111, y 73, z -833

    Troms Scroll Merchant Coords: x: -875, y 77, -894

    Lutho Scroll Merchant Coords: x: 970, y 73, z -666 (Requires the quest A Journey Beyond level 100 quest)

    Tower of Amnesia Reset Scroll Merchant Coords: x 100, y 92, z -1203 (Requires the quest Recover the Past lvl 25 quest) (Sells Skillpoint Reset Scrolls for 384 Emeralds)

    Tempo Town Scroll Merchant Coords: x -299, y 43, z -1140

    Selcher Scroll Merchant Coords: x 87, y 66, z -3187

    Pirate Town Scroll Merchant Coords: x -692, y 38, z -3115

    Corkus City Scroll Merchant Coords: x -1629, y 68, z -2909

    Legendary Island Scroll Merchant Coords: x -1171, y 65, z -2418

    Mage Island Scroll Merchant Coords: x 875, y 46, z -2857

    Llevigar Scroll Merchant Coords: x -2137, y 53, z -4563

    Olux Scroll Merchant Coords: x -1723, y 66, z -5528

    Gelibord Scroll Merchant Coords: x -992, y 47, z -5288

    Cinfras Scroll Merchant Coords: x -455, y 47 , z -4958 (Requires the quest Fallen Delivery level 79 quest)

    Thanos Scroll Merchant Coords: x 226, y 29, z -5266

    Thesead Scroll Merchant Coords: x 773, y 79, z -5050

    Ahmsord Scroll Merchant Coords: x 954, y 118, z -4592

    Eltom Scroll Merchant Coords: x 1005, y 109, z -5465

    Maex Scroll Merchant Coords: x 1478, y 44, z -5308

    Rodoroc Scroll Merchant Coords: x 1034, y 18, z -5122

    Kandon-Beda Scroll Merchant Coords: x 749, y 150, z -4463

    If I am missing any scroll merchants let me know. I'll go find them and add them to the list.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  2. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    Surprisingly useful xD
    Geshultz likes this.
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