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Lore/Story A Molten Heights Story Chptr. 1

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Ethilion, Jan 24, 2017.


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  1. Ethilion

    Ethilion Messenger Owl

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    Hello Guys my name is Ethilion,
    I wrote this little story about the Molten Heights, the pov is Bulbo`s
    Its writen in way Like The Hobbit,
    Before you leave a comment about this being not true, very little is discovered about the origin of the molten heights. I took a couple of these lores and made them into this story with some Imagination.
    Chapter 1 - Doguns

    Ow Frudo I know you want to hear everything about my adventures.
    I can Honestly say I told you the Truth
    But I can`t say I told you everything
    Long ago in a mountain were a native species called "Doguns" lived
    They were Peacefull and strong
    they found it
    The Heart of the Mountain.
    A giant enchanted Crystal of Fire.
    The doguns saw it as their right to rule the Mountains.
    but the found of the Doguns wasn`t unheard of.
    Legions of dwarves marched to the mountains wanting the Mountains, The Crystal and the riches for themself.
    They asked the doguns to leave and give everything they had to them.
    They refrused.
    The legions of dwarves marched into the mountains.
    The powerfull Doguns managed to Defend the first waves.
    But they were greatly Outnumbered.
    Dwarves kept coming and coming
    bringing in rams crossbows and more
    the primitive doguns didnt have.
    But the doguns didnt give up so easily.
    they fought back with their Weapons of intense Power and even used Balrogs.
    Balrogs, one of the strongest kinds of Fire Demons that got almost lost every other of their species in that war.
    But at last the doguns couldnt defend the stronghold we call ancient Rodoroc
    the las of warriors protected their Civilians and made run for the Dogun City
    a few managed to hide and flee up the mountain and making a new live of peace and plenty.
    But what the doguns had seen that day.
    They swore on the Heart of the mountaint that they would never forgive the dwarves for what they`ve done
    And they never forgave, and they never forgot.
    End of Chapter I
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