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Lore/Story A Lighthearted Tale

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Euxis, Dec 15, 2017.


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  1. Euxis

    Euxis Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    There are a couple stories about Wynn that are very serious, no jokes and have a deep story line. However, me and @CharredCoal wrote a more lighthearted and funnier(I hope, this is stupid humor) story for Wynn. Feel free to give any feedback!

    A warrior, clad with dense armor clinking, narrowly evaded a zombie’s jab that would have been fatal. He retaliated with a blow and breathlessly fled towards the city. An explosion was heard from the distance and he was forced to his knees from the shockwave. A green, undead fist socked him on his torso. Another eruption, much louder this time, thundered, tossing zombies and guards into the air. But the zombies kept crawling towards the city and the guards were still recovering from the massive shockwave. The warrior heard footsteps making their way to him, following that were two pairs of hands who carried him to the city.

    * * *

    The critically injured warrior was hospitalized in Ragni. He was fed and he slept well. Only after a few hours, he was fully healed, with great gratitude to the mages. The king welcomed him to Wynn. He told the warrior about the war in Wynn and how they needed a great amount of recruits to help. He told of the corruption that proliferated and spread through the Wynnic lands.

    “‘Name’s Brion.” he held out his hand for the king.

    The King of Ragni took his hand and shook it firmly. His eyes twinkled warmly, “Welcome to Ragni, Brion.”

    Brion thanked him with much respect.

    “Good luck... young warrior.” the king said after Brion as he was heading for the roads of Ragni.

    After the warrior had long gone into Ragni, the king said to his servant, “Well, Narig, I think that may be all the recruits coming in today. Will you kindly tell the gatekeepers to close the gates?”

    Narig was the king’s head servant. Although he dressed handsomely, his skin was rough and blistered from his days of working on the farm. His hair refused to be combed or brushed, so there was a tangled mess resting on his head, almost like a bird’s nest. His loyalty compensated for his homely appearance, though.

    Narig had ran off to the gatekeepers to carry the king’s orders. The king contemplated on what he shall have for his supper. Maybe he could have the most elite chefs make him the largest and tastiest meal that any human could ask for; or perhaps he could simply order a humble meal. Perhaps he would ask for the most exotic meal, with meat and fruit from the Dernal Jungle! There were an uncountable amount of meals that the king fancied. Oh but what’s this? Yes, the king knew what his perfect meal would be, it would be-

    “There are more coming, your majesty!” shouted a fleeting guard as he stumbled into the safety of the castle.

    The nurses and mages rose from their seats.

    “Narig, have the gatekeepers shut the gates?” the king asked his timid servant.

    Narig said that that was true.

    “Where are the gatekeepers?”

    Narig told the king that they were helping to defend the new recruits.

    “Won’t you help them open the gate?”

    “NO! Don’t help us!” said a boy’s voice behind the reinforced gate.

    “Narig, please go assist them…”

    “Nonono, Narig, I can do this.” said the boy’s voice, full of determination.

    The boy grunted with much effort to get the hefty gate open, but only a insect’s width could slither through with minimal effort.

    “It’s - it’s almost open…” huffed the lad.

    The ambitious boy screamed his lungs out (in which the scream echoed through the quiet hall of the castle), pushing the door with all his might, which was unfortunately a mere sixteenth of a warrior’s strength. His voice broke as the effort increased, leaving shrill cries shredding the peacefulness of the castle. Residents started to fill the throne room, wondering what all of the commotion was about.

    “Wanna lemme try?” said a girls voice.

    “Nonono, I -” the boy coughed heavily, almost wheezing, “I got this.” The boy coughed again.

    Footsteps were heard running away from the gate. Shortly after, the boy screamed again with his feet pounding the ground and a loud SLAM came from the boy. The residents grimaced at the sound.

    “ Did you really think that headbutting the door would work?!” the girl screamed at the boy for his ignorant decision.

    “No I really got this.”

    “Just let her open the door.” said a monotone voice.

    The boy thought for a long moment.

    “Fine.” the boy pouted.

    The gate opened easily, to the boy’s demise. It revealed four adolescent children.

    (“For a second, I thought they were little children.” whispered a mage.)

    There were two girls and two boys. Each of them wore a uniquely colored outfit, and all of them were mages.

    The king looked shocked for a brief moment before he said: “Aren’t you too young to be a recruit?”

    “No, we have to do a school project!” said the one in pink. The boy in pink had hazel eyes and light wavy brown hair. He was clad with a light pink robe with swirly purple accents and curled coattails. His trousers were a very light gray, but not to the extent that it was white. His boots were modest ones; they weren’t polished, but they did look protective and warm.

    “And what is your name?” the king asked the pink mage.

    “You can call me Jeremiah,” the pink one smiled and curtsied, “or, I may prefer… Jeremiah! I’m 14!”

    “Um…” the king stuttered, “O-ok, Jeremiah. Very pleased to meet you.” Chuckles were heard from the back of the castle.

    “Actually, I prefer my second name, Jeremi-oh-” said Jeremiah.

    “OOOKAY!” the king said, “and what is your name, miss?”

    The red mage kneeled and said, “My name’s Kira-”

    “But you can call her Qira! With a Q! Because it sounds cooler!” Jeremiah interrupted. Gasps from the crowd was heard.

    Kira gave Jeremiah a look of disgust before continuing, “Yyyeah… Well, I’m 14 as well, and I’m honored to meet you.” Kira offered her hand to the king and he firmly shook it. The red mage had dark brown hair and had a slightly darker complexion than her friends. Kira wore a dark red tunic that was washed well and reached the middle of her knees. Her trousers were light brown and looked slightly worn. She had a cape that was connected to her shoulders with brazen buttons; the cape was threaded from silk and had a fiery glow to it. Her boots seemed very protective, the complete opposite of Jeremiah’s footwear. Finally, atop her head was a brass circlet with a ruby in the middle.

    The second boy, who wore blue, was then greeted.

    “Welcome to Wynn,” the King said, “what is your name?”

    “Lyson.” The boy responded in a monotone voice. He wore a blue cloak that draped over his shoulders and his trousers were a dark brown. The hood of his cloak covered most of his jet black hair, which slightly shunned his brooding dark eyes. His boots were leather that was caked with mud and the tails of his cloak resembled icicles on a roof. His tunic was a darkish blue that would remind one of the night sky. The boy offered his hand to the King, which was firmly shook.

    The King turned the the second girl, which was clad in green.

    “Welcome, young soldier,” the King said, “may I ask of your name?”

    “Hello!” The girl was brimmed with energy, “My name’s Thisby and I’m 13! Very pleased to meet you, your majesty! I can’t wait to-”

    “Slow down!” the king chuckled. The girl wore a green cloak that seemed rigid at the edges and looked almost new. Intricate details were included with her cloak, which made it seem like a precious artifact. Her coattails were jagged and an even brighter green. Her tunic reminded one of grass color and her trousers were white and were nearly spotless. The boots that she wore were ones that were made for snow and she wore a lime green beanie hat atop her head.

    “I welcome you all to Wynn,” Ragni’s king spread his hands, “please be careful out there.”

    “Thank you!” said Jeremiah, halfway out the door, “I promise that we will not di-” the door slammed.

    After the young magicians left, the king of Ragni said to his head servant, “I think those were the best ones so far!”

    Narig said that he agreed.

    “Especially the pink one,” he laughed, “how innocent they are! How old are they? 13 and 14? Such innocence at an age!”

    Narig said that he was surprised as well.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
    Caldie likes this.
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