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A Bunch Of Questions Without A General Theme

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Tsuneo, Mar 30, 2018.

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  1. Tsuneo

    Tsuneo Preliminary returnee

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    This is just a collection of random questions which have popped up in my head whilst playing.

    1. What is this? I found it in the mountains around Ice Canyon.

    2. Is there any purpose to these two mobs? They're each found in a small cavern-like hole in Ice Canyon. Are they just there to be unique mobs? If so, why aren't there more of them, or why don't they at least have a bit more health than the areas average?
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    3. Is there anything planed for these huts in on the small plateau above Ice Canyon, or are they just there to fill out the space?

    4. Why do these items not have any lore? I though all legendaries were supposed to have lore.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    5. How did they make the blocks in Shattered Minds change color?
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    6. Anyone got any idea of why this is here? A small melon storage in the mountainside close to Sodeta manor, with no way of reaching it... It just seems a bit odd.

    7. Any ideas of what this is? It's inside a small cave in the Light forest. I also guess that the water and dirt blocks in front aren't intentional.
  2. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    They are unique mobs. I can’t quite see what the top mob is but it looks mechanical, so perhaps it’s Corkian in origin. Either that or it might be from Ohms’ lab (even though it’s sealed). The second one is a creature in mythology. If I remember correctly it is a child-stealer.

    I guess not. It’s possible that they will get lore in the future.
    It looks like something from Aldorei. A medallion or puzzle, maybe?
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  3. Twilo101

    Twilo101 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. Probably just lighting. I use it to find the T4 loot chest that's nearby if that helps
    2. They're probably just there for the 'ambience'. To make this part of the world feel more believable in its universe
    3. See No. 2
    4. Not all legendaries have lore, though I really wish they did
    5. Texture pack magic
    6. An easter egg perhaps? A quirk from a builder who worked on the mansion? Honestly, beats me
    7. No clue
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  4. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    1. Beacons are a source of light, sea lanterns weren't around when the area was made. Nothing special.

    2. There is a tier 4 loot chest just beyond that hut, and the path up to the hut is the only easy path without a horse.

    3. Ohm's lab is near there, an unfinished secret to do with mechanical beings.

    4. Some legendaries and mythics do not have lore. Sometimes the item is added, and lore gets added in a later update.

    5. Some blocks in vanilla Minecraft run off spritesheets, such as lava, water, fire, prismarine blocks, and sponges. I suspect they modified one of those textures.

    6. There used to be a time when builders were allowed to place Easter eggs. This could be a builder trying to make an easter egg without being told off, or it may be a reference to another easter egg, professor Djemble, which got removed.

    7. When I stumbled across this I was also confused. I concluded that is was most likely to be a future rune, like the nii and uth runes.
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  5. Tsuneo

    Tsuneo Preliminary returnee

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    Thanks for the answers!
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