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Featured Wynncraftian Fw S4e4 - Enduh

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pretzule, Aug 25, 2017.

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  1. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Season 4, Episode 4:

    Hosted by @Pretzule and their wonderfully talented assistant, @Pretzule

    Greetings one and all to the fourth interview of Featured Wynncraftian! For anyone that has no clue what in the flat earth I'm going on about, let me sit ya right down and explain it. Basically, we feature people from the community that have done something that I can ask questions about or are pretty cool and have something to feature. They don't always have to be a popular member, just as long as I can ask them about things that make them unique.

    If you think you know someone that might be good to be interviewed or is crazy interesting or someone that is a standout member of the community feel free to suggest them here. Seriously please suggest some, I really can't find them all on my own, and it never hurts to suggest people.

    For this next interview I am interviewing someone that most of you should know by now, mainly for his work in this year's Wynncon...

    It's of course @Enduh!! he was originally suggested by @Jake Paul when I was already thinking about doing Enduh for FW.

    Welp, enough jabbering, time to jump right in!​

    What was your exact role during Wynncon, what did you have to do?
    Originally my role was to manage the building. As the time passed some staff came and went so I ended up doing the event planning, speaking, team management, as well as the building.
    This all came with organizing staff meetings, build nights, and writing long documents of exactly what goes where and how to do it.
    To be completely honest, it was overwhelming at first. This year was probably one of the most... interesting for me. It felt like was working, in a good way, to deliver a fun experience to those who may have gotten a bit bored between updates of my favorite game.
    That sounds like a crazy amount of work, did you have anyone else helping you out with it?
    Of course, I wasn't completely alone. I appointed a couple managers to help out with building: @Panda_Black and @5730dogman
    They were a huge help while I was away on vacation or just with management in general.
    Another person who was so helpful was @yosteric5 , he was generous enough to pay for the server hosting during and before Wynncon.
    @Villageacules was a great help as well. He not only did a great job with terraforming 3 of the islands, but he also helped with moderation and lead certain events at Wynncon when I had to attend to something else.
    While I'm at it, I'd like to thank my whole team again:
    They all did a wonderful job.

    It's still crazy how much work you guys put into it for just 3 days.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but will the map be available for download in the future so anyone can go around and explore if they didn't get a chance to?
    It won't be up for download, sorry if this disappoints anyone! It will be revamped for next year. This way, we can put more time into event planning and making sure absolutely everything goes smoothly.
    That makes sense, speaking of how things went what do you think you could have done better or differently?
    There were a lot of things that could have gone way better. There's been a lot of complaints, yet also some well-written feedback which I appreciate and have taken to heart.
    To start off, not having a stress test was a big no-no, it really cost us the first day. This screwed up a lot of things including a whole schedule rework the night before day two. We had to cancel some things and rearrange prizes to make up for the first day.
    Event preparation as a whole had a lot of room for improvement. I never planned for something this big before and didn't intend to at first when I signed up to lead building. However, I'm glad this did happen as I've learned a lot from this experience and intend to incorporate this knowledge into any future events.
    As long as you guys learn from what you did and improve on it, I feel like it will be a lot better. And of course with any event there's going to be issues or problems and the larger it is the more things can go wrong. But it's good that you kept your spirits high and were able to actually get through it, as difficult as it may have been.
    So I am assuming that you will be doing another one then? Would it be next year or are you planning to do it during December or some time around then?
    Thank you, I'm glad that we were able to have a day 2 without canceling it. And it went even better than day 1.

    We will not be doing anything on a 3rd party server for Wynnter, it seems like Wynncon is on for next year, as of now. We have a lot of time to improve the whole experience: from map and events to management and hosting. There will be new events and areas of the map as well as revamped ones. So it won't be a copy paste of this year. Things are still being decided, but it looks like Wynncon 2018 is a go.
    Well it's good that you're working on it regardless.

    Will the next one be longer than a weekend, so that people can explore the map or do minigames with their friends during more timezones, or if they miss the weekend?
    Leaving the server up past the weekend shouldn't be much of an issue. I can't promise anything but having the Wynncon map open for even longer than 3 days is a possibility.
    Good, and yeah it is another year away, could always change.

    So now that you're done with Wynncon, what are your plans now? Are you going to take a break from Wynncraft?
    With school starting soon, I'll probably take a small break. However, now that Wynncon is over it has motivated me to be even more involved. Working on Wynncon these past months has kind of created a disconnect for me. I've only played the actual game this year when Corkus came out. I barely ever logged into Wynn or replied to anything on the forums unless it had to do with Wynncon. Now that it's over, I can continue to play Wynn, and be involved with the community instead of being on a different server all the time. I have a couple ideas already for in-game events that won't take nearly as long to prepare for, but I haven't finalized any yet.
    That makes sense, I can't wait to see what kind of events you have planned, I'll definitely keep an eye out!

    Do you, by any chance, want to give a hint as to what you plan on doing next for your in-game events?
    Like I said, I don't have anything finalized, so I'm not going to 100% confirm anything. But, I was actually thinking of doing something that doesn't require to be in-game, something even the forum dwellers who don't log on too often might enjoy.
    That sounds like a good idea, helps more people get involved with what you're doing.

    Other than Wynncraft, what other kind of hobbies or games do you have/play?
    With the recent release of the switch, I've been really into those games such as Splatoon 2 and Breath of the Wild. Both of these provide completely different experiences, and good ones to have on the go.
    I've also been playing the piano for several years now. It started by trying to play songs from games or shows and eventually evolved to a long-term hobby.
    I've done building for a couple years as well. I gained interest in it while playing regular Minecraft survival with friends. Then I found Grian's channel, and that's when I really got into it. His channel also how I found Wynn again (I originally first joined back in 2014 when I friend showed it to me). So, here I am years later. My three year Wynniversary is on the 29th.
    Have you ever tried playing Wynncraft music on the piano?
    Not yet, but as soon as you asked the previous question I thought about it. I'll be sure to post it if I find any sheet music.
    Sounds good, I can't wait to hear what it sounds like!
    For the final question, overall why do you keep coming back to Wynncraft, what makes you stay and enjoy it?
    Well back in 2014 when I first joined I really didn't understand the game and left after playing for a few hours. I then found Grian's channel and the friends I had at the time knew about Wynn and explained it to me. For some reason, I had never come across an MMO RPG before and I loved it. I loved how the admins were able to create an entirely new and unique game inside of Minecraft, which is basically just a game engine at this point.
    I've been playing in full since The Gavel Update which is when I really got hooked. All the lore and mechanics amazed me, from the complicated item system to the quests.
    Before long I discovered the forums and the community behind such an experience. So many people shared this attachment. Community events have always been something to look forward to, and even smaller things like item bomb parties were always nice to attend. Also, the groups within the community such as the artists, role-players, and others have always been interesting.
    In my opinion, the community especially shined during The Gameplay Update beta and the ??? hunt. It was such a big conjuring of players, and even brought in older players that decided to see what's new.
    That's why I love events and updates, not for just the amazing new content, but the boost in the community. Even through the flaws, I think the Wynn community is the best I've ever been apart of. And, thank you to each of you reading for continuing to be apart of it.
    I look forward to next year and the in-between.
    Yeah, the community really does bring it all together in the end. Thank you for letting me interview you.
    Thank you so much for the opportunity.

    This concludes the fouuuuurth interview for this time on Featured Wynncraftian.
    The next Featured Wynncraftian will be in another 2 weeks.
    If you missed the last Featured Wynncraftian where I interviewed @motoki1 check it out here.

    Thank you once again @Enduh for letting me interview you!​
  2. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    enduh really deserved this, since they made wwynncon 2017 and somehow survived the endless hate

    also first comment how
    Power :3, Aya, Kaelan~ and 2 others like this.
  3. Enduh

    Enduh Uh, is it the End? HERO

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    Thank you again for the interview! And to those who nominated me.

    Dammit, Sham you beat me to my own FW.
  4. Flare2B

    Flare2B What if? VIP+

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    Enduh likes this.
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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  6. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    he tried so hard
    and got so far
  7. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    congrats Enduh! Well earned :D
    Enduh likes this.
  8. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    Great job Enduh, I knew you could do it!
    Enduh likes this.
  9. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    Congrats on Featured Wynncraftian Enduh! Wooooo!!!!
    Enduh likes this.
  10. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    Why, just why. I don't understand. Someone please tell me. Why, why does this have to happen. Just, why. Now you see why I nicknamed myself "End my life please".
  11. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    I personally cannot fully agree with this choice due to reasons I will not be disclosing, but congrats anyway Enduh!
  12. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Congrats Enduh, luckily for you I'm too lazy to think of a pun involving any part of your name.
    Enduh likes this.
  13. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    y tho
  14. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer CT Manager QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    SizzlingBacon likes this.
  15. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Pretzule interviewing Enduh
    Jade interviewing Jake
    It's so perfect.
    Enduh likes this.
  16. Slime1480

    Slime1480 Slime Shady Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    "I've been playing in full since The Gavel Update which is when I really got hooked. All the lore and mechanics amazed me, from thecomplicated item system to thequests."

    So true, lmao.
    If i understood from the beggining how gavel update worked, i could have 5 lvl 100 classes, so yeah is better like now, so i have a goal.
  17. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I can't.
  18. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    The whole WynnCon 2017 team was routing for you to get FW
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
    Enduh likes this.
  19. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    resist the ded memes
    Pretz is filled with ded memes
    Geckeos and Mrs Sara like this.
  20. Mrs Sara

    Mrs Sara Famous Adventurer HERO

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    He's trying to get a dab in every chance he gets. We have to stop him!
    Kaelan~ likes this.
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