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Community Event [president Elected!] Unofficial Wynncraft Elections

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by eeveelution, Nov 10, 2016.


Vote for the President! (read their apps before voting)

Poll closed Nov 29, 2016.
  1. Captainganon

  2. Yuno F Gasai

  3. Pretzule

  4. Snerp

  5. Flubby

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  1. eeveelution

    eeveelution Wynn Veteran/OG VIP+

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    Since the US just elected their new president, why not have a Wynncraft version of the elections?

    As of 29/11/16, the President has been elected:
    - Congrats to @Pretzule for becoming the President of Wynncraft - With 99 hungry, pretzel-craving voters on his side, he gained 34% of the votes. We can expect a surge of pretzels coming to all our favourite shops, so get ready. Congratulations!
    - Coming close at 2nd place is the man with by far the most vocal campaign - @Snerp! With 91 votes (32%) in total, Snerp is now the Vice President of Wynncraft, well done!
    - @Yuno F Gasai earns the legendary title of President's Janitor! His brief yet insightful political speeches gained him a following of 46 voters. Well done to Yuno!
    - The legendary @captainganon came out victorious over his election-long nemesis Flubby, granting him 4th place in the election. Great job!
    - @Hi I'm Flubby garnered to those who looked for change, which earned him a following significant enough to make it into the final 5 of 99 applicants. Him and ganon were competing for 4th place throughout the election, and unfortunately for Flubby, ganon managed to overtake him near the end. Well done regardless!

    Screenshot in case people can't see the poll: http://imgur.com/a/XwVFQ

    Thanks to everyone who applied, voted or simply read the thread! It's been a great time organising this event :D

    The elections will be strictly democratic and will consist of multiple stages:
    1. Gathering Candidates - Anyone will be able to apply for candidate by filling in a short application form and posting it on this thread. This stage will be over once there is enough candidates, which is about 15-25 but can vary depending on the amount of applicants.
    2. Choosing Candidates - To not overwhelm the voters, there will be only 5 candidates which you can choose from in the final election. Those 5 people will be chosen by a google form where everyone can choose up to 5 people, and those with the most votes will get into the final election. This stage will be over after about 48 hours (can vary depending on amount of votes)
    3. Electing the President - Finally, the president will be elected from the 5 remaining participants. This will be done through a poll on this thread. After a few days the poll will close and the president will be announced!

    Note: Even candidates can vote in the polls, so there's no reason not to apply :D

    The Presidential Candidates!
    Name: Business Maximum Synergy Limit Break Overformal Ganon
    Slogan: k
    What will you do if you win?: Make k the first letter of the alphabet. Give supporters money.* Make Wynncraft Flame Wars Again. Start beef with people on accident. Love my supporters with all of my heart.** Have fun. Re-instate the Castle in The Sky and make it the new "White House."

    Vote ganon today and get a better future tomorrow!

    *May or may not actually happen
    **You'll get a <3

    @Yuno F Gasai
    Name: Lucy Lilium of the technocratic imperial party.
    Cor Nostrum Deae
    Make Legio Great Again
    Ahri did nothing wrong
    Kv is my vp yo
    Veni Vidi Ivi, Vici Vici Vici
    What will I do if I win? lead the wynn government better than all you fuckers by actually listening to yall

    Name: Pretzule
    Slogan: Pretzels
    What will I give: Pretzels, but not me.

    Name: Snerp
    Slogan: Make Gavel great again
    What will I do?: I will Add grind spots to sky islands, Make Ahmsord a bigger town
    And I will reduce the mythic drop chance to 0.05%
    I will also make the trade market balanced
    And lastly, I will add airship fast travel all around the world!

    Also ill make sure wybels can live ALL around Wynn and gavel and not be restricted to an island

    Website: https://wynncraft.co/

    @Hi I'm Flubby
    Name: His Imperial Majesty, Flubby

    If you liked Censorship, and Systemic Oppression, you'll love His Imperial Majesty, Flubby!

    What will you do if you win?: If I win I promise that I'll restore our relations with Zentrela, to restore our economy I'll get rid of PretzuleCare, and deport all immigrants from Dungeon Realms

    Stage 2 Results

    Current Applications
    These are the people that applied!
    Name: Slavislav Gopnik
    Slogan: Squat the debt away (kurwa)!
    What will you do if you win?: There are obvious problems in our society and nobody knows how to solve them. But do not worry, for I will fix everything by:
    1. Adding vodka to Nemract's bar.
    2. Forcing every town to have a bar.
    3. Replacing all music with hardbass.
    4. Requiring all schools to have 1.5 hours of squatting class each day.
    Those aren't society's problems, you say? Well, you may be right to some extent. But don't forget the ancient slavic saying - A vodka a day makes problem away.

    Name: Snerp
    Slogan: Make Gavel great again
    What will I do?: I will Add grind spots to sky islands, Make Ahmsord a bigger town
    And I will reduce the mythic drop chance to 0.05%
    I will also make the trade market balanced
    And lastly, I will add airship fast travel all around the world!

    Also ill make sure wybels can live ALL around Wynn and gavel and not be restricted to an island

    Name: Flip/Flup
    Slogan: Those who hate success will not be successful
    What will you do if you win?: I'll double the security in poorer areas of Wynn and Gavel
    Build a wall to separate the mobs from the humans
    I'll nuke the nether portal with arrow bombs
    My face will be on the emerald

    Name: Withth Efish
    Slogan: What separates the level 100s from the level 10s is how a player reacts to each new twist of fate
    What will you do if you win:
    I will balance the game and add many more grind spots for high levels. I will do everything in my power to reduce lag. I promise to also bring back swarms too and add more random events to keep people playing and maybe start on a new class, as well as some part of the old map so veterans can experience it.

    I will also add a bank for quest items.

    @Yuno F Gasai
    Name: Lucy Lilium of the technocratic imperial party.
    Cor Nostrum Deae
    Make Legio Great Again
    Ahri did nothing wrong
    Kv is my vp yo
    Veni Vidi Ivi, Vici Vici Vici
    What will I do if I win? lead the wynn government better than all you fuckers by actually listening to yall.

    Name: Bloww
    Slogan: You can't spell success without me
    What will you do if you win?: Add more memes,remove dead memes. I'll also balance the economy lol i lied hehe (^:

    Name: Mr.Zephy
    Slogan: Be more lazy than enough
    What You Will do if You win?: I'LL MAKE LAG GREAT AGAIN

    Slogan: Hold the pickles
    What will you do if you win?: Make fast travelling throughout the provinces affordable by taming dragons and burning carts. Also, we're gonna nuke the dwarves just cause they're pricks.

    @The Saltud
    Name:President Dan
    Slogan:The honest guy that will do his best. No tricks mate!
    What Will You Do If You Win?
    1) I guess an Le giveaway for you guys electing me <3
    2) Make a wall of fame, a wall of shame, and a wall of walls (this will be based off on role playing).
    3) I will create lesser federal positions like Vice-President, Mayor, and Governor if OP hadn't already.
    5) WE MIGHT GANG UP ON THE CURRENT WYNN GOVERNMENT AND OVERTHROW THEM (except king of ragni, and mayors of Eltom and Thesead, they're cool)!
    P.S. Youngest president ;)

    @Dirty Bulu
    Name: Dirty Dan
    Slogan: No, I'm Dirty Dan.
    Policies: Free Pokémon for everyone!
    Build a wall around Donald Trump, and make him pay for it. Grinding party 24/7 on server 15 or surrounding and memes are now a sign of peace.

    Name: Business Maximum Synergy Limit Break Overformal Ganon
    Slogan: k
    What will you do if you win?: Make k the first letter of the alphabet. Give supporters money.* Make Wynncraft Flame Wars Again. Start beef with people on accident. Love my supporters with all of my heart.** Have fun. Re-instate the Castle in The Sky and make it the new "White House."

    Vote ganon today and get a better future tomorrow!

    *May or may not actually happen
    **You'll get a <3

    Name: Gushy
    Slogan: Hushy for Gushy!
    What will you do if you win?:
    1. Save all Wybels
    2. Make Mythics more rare
    3. Destroy the economy more
    4. Spill coffee

    Name SizzlingBacon
    Slogan: Sizzlin' to the top!
    What i will do: I will make the forums less spammy, make sure to reply to evey thread and FIX THE ECONOMY

    @Hi I'm Flubby
    Name: His Imperial Majesty, Flubby

    If you liked Censorship, and Systemic Oppression, you'll love His Imperial Majesty, Flubby!

    What will you do if you win?: If I win I promise that I'll restore our relations with Zentrela, to restore our economy I'll get rid of PretzuleCare, and deport all immigrants from Dungeon Realms

    Name: Harambe
    Slogan: Wybels Aren't Safe
    What will you do if you win?:
    Send Pretzule to prison for the Private Mailbox Scandal
    Send Jumla back to his cage
    Declare war on Wybels
    Bring jobs back to Wynn
    Deport villagers back to Gavel (those dirty immigrants)
    Restore relations with Fruma
    Build a wall around Corkus

    Yes! This is my chance to raise a revolution fix the economy!
    Name: Emerald of the Wynn Communist Party
    Slogan: Make Wynncraft communist again.
    What will you do if you win?:
    1: Redistribute the wealth, make everyone happy!
    2: Everyone gets mythics!
    3: Equality for all!
    4: Take over the other provinces, they need our socialism!
    5: Fix the damn market.

    inb4 someone takes this too seriously

    Name: Great Lake Jake
    Slogan: I'm not actually from the great lakes.
    What will you do if you win?:

    1. Finally get the Main Storyline pushed.
    2. Enforce a heavy tax on all Tea/Coffee products entering Wynn from foreign countries.
    3. Make the top 1% finally pay their fair share of potatoes.
    4. Open up schools in all the major towns. Llevigar has been bleeding people dry for an education for too long!
    5. Enforce a term limit on the rulers of large cities.
    6. Give the law enforcement of Wynn access to better equipment.

    Name: Alexis Play
    Slogan: For the end of the Wybels !
    What will you do if you win?: KILL ALL THE WYBELS IN THE WORLD ! They take too much place ! Free the heart of the peoples they already trapped !

    Kouhai of the Wynncraft Dictatorship Democratic Party
    watashi ni tōhyō shite!
    What will you do if you win?:
    I will begin the creation of a massive statue of the lord and savior, salted. Once completed, I will impose massive LE taxes that will go straight to me the construction of new roads, and better protection against the corrupt.

    Name: Kieran von Dragon

    Slogan: It's time for Wynncraft's new era!

    What will you do if you win?:
    1. If I win, I will fight for freedom and imortality for all dragonlings of wynn!
    2. I will fight for lower taxes for all villagers and adventurers in Gavel and the province of wynn!
    3. Wynncraft is going to light up in it's old shine after I introduced the new economy system
    4. The value of the emerald will rocket up if I get elected because of the power of dragons.
    5. Nobody will ever have to fear bankruptcy

    Name: Giant Meteor

    Slogan: Make Wynn nothing again!

    What will you do if you win: I will remove all debts, all monsters that can kill you, everything you worry about, all of your trash, all of the people you hate, and more when I land!
    (and make @DatDraggy my Vice President)

    Name: Cheese burger
    Slogan: Slugs
    What will you do if you win?: Remove Gavel

    Name: John Senior
    Slogan: Not as bad as Trump.
    What will I do if I win?
    Build a wall and make Fruma pay for it.
    Make wybels a protected species.
    Single Payer health care.
    Overthrow the tyranny of Grian.

    Name: Ezohn
    Slogan: I will come eventually.
    What will you do if you win?

    Ill pour water on the nether portal, destroying it. Ill set fire to the hive, arrest ankou and fake death, give everyone 5 free LE, kill worid, make a hole where wybels fall into lava for all eternity, release Corkus early, open the gates to fruma, make the talking mushroom edible, and give free hugs <3
    and ill rise peppered from the dead, and make sure salted dies

    Name: Oryx, Supreme Taken King
    Slogan: We will Wynn this together!
    What will you do if you win?: I will make sure all monsters are removed from the premises of Wynn and send excavation teams to the Roots of Corruption, because who knows, there are many secrets to be found!
    We will also need to begin investigation of the Time Valley, as it's properties are very magical and could come in handy when at war with Corruption or Darkness; as well as securing smaller towns like Nesaak, Rymek and Maltic from any monster attacks. Finally, I will build a wall across the Corruption border to make Wynn great again.
    Thanks m8. have a 420/69 day.

    @George W Bush
    Name: Geroge W Bush
    Slogan: Insensitive Conservatism, backup slogan: Fake Plans for Stupid People
    (@Moe_Ronickah I thought of those myself are you proud)
    What will I do?: I will invade dern because they have weapons of mass destraction, then add the wynncraftian act which will make it legal for the admins and mods to spy on everyone. After that, ill aprove of the construction of unmanned military airships to commit strikes on any homes that oppose me, along with sheriff raids in full diamond armor.

    Name: Crunkle
    Slogan: I'M BACK B*TCHES!!
    What will I do if I win? I'll bring 3D glasses to Wynncraft (duh)!!

    @joshaftel of UXs
    Name: Jenkins Von Jimbo
    Slogan: Kill all mobs that dare attack you
    What will you do when you wynn?: 1: make tons of puns
    2: hunt all mobs regardless of ai type
    3: Solo more boss altars on assassin
    4: Make UXs the best
    5: collect legendaries (not spelled Legendarys)

    Name: Donal... RemRin
    Slogan: dicks out for harambe
    What will I do when I win:
    1 Make wynncraft great again
    2 Buff cataclysm
    3 Set the prices of every mythic to a small loan of a million LE
    4 ressurect harambe
    5 make aliens kidnap Donald Trump

    Name: The Great Cruuk
    I have no redeeming factors whatsoever but at least I have Waluigi memes
    What will you do if you win?: Create oppressive regimes starring Waluigi, and legalize crack

    Name: Tealy
    Slogan: I just want some quick cash lol
    What I'll do:
    I'll scream really loud
    I'll send nudes
    I'll legalize slavery
    Potatoes will be the only legal crop
    Salted will have to lick my toenail
    I'll add Yelat
    Wybels will be edible, but they will taste really bad
    The Purge
    A giant golden statue of me will be erected in Cinfras Square
    I'll bomb the shit out of Lexdale and Bucie
    We will all be number one
    Dried waffles will be the new norm

    Vote for me. I'm super hawt
    I'll make Wynncraft decently okay so that a lot of people may not play it, but at least know about it due to the massive influx of more youtubers playing it due to all the awesome new features I'll add.. again

    Name: Pretzule
    Slogan: Pretzels
    What will I give: Pretzels, but not me.

    Name: By the Grace of Light, Duke Tyralion I.
    Slogan: Wynn for the wynn! Moro saraan ko sil.
    What will you do after winning: Our relationships with Gavel are in great trouble, great trouble, our economy has an inflation of Emeralds, our defenses are made out of wood, Dern Immigrants are filling up our islands and Mages are all leaving to Gavel! How more long are we going to wait? No more!
    We will make Wynn strong again, we will make Wynn rich again, we will make Wynn proud again, we will make Wynn intelligent again, we will make Wynn great Again!

    Name: Yahya
    Slogan: You can't out-meme the MemeMaster
    What I will change:
    I will replace quest items with quest permissions.
    2: All current farms in Wynn and gavel will be converted to mushroom farms.
    3: All power will no longer be electromagical but thermomushroom a new and promising red/brown energy source for the future.
    4: All elves stealing my mushrooms for "recreational usage" will be moved to a secure location where their brains can be blown out with my high-powered automatic machinegun. Cos no one but me trips on mushrooms.
    4: Also all mushroom stocks will be shipped directly to mushroom grove, nivla woods for permanent storage.
    5: Wynncraft memes will be globally accepted as the best memes.
    6: And finally all sections of the forum will be the shitpost section and any post not beginning with "hail the mighty Lord Yahya" will be auto removed.

    Name: Shamos
    Slogan: Make Wynn and Gavel great again
    What will you do if you win?: I will build a wall, and make the citizens of troms pay for it.
    i will give us all exotic butters and free puppys.
    i will force the helioux to show us their light dogs and allow us to keep them as pets.
    i will use the crystals from wynn ex. a, b, c, and d, and destroy the corruption.

    Name: Davold Trump
    Slogan: I'll ban you if you dont vote for me
    What will you do if you win?:
    1. Literally shut down Wynncraft

    Name: Ryc
    Slogan: Save Wybels, save the community!
    What will you do if you win?:
    • I will add so much more Wybels for you guys <3
      • I'm kind, so Anti-Wybel will get a room for Anti-Wybelling! (no wybel kill)
    • Ton of mythics
      • Such as Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter, Grandfather, Uncle, Cousin, Aunt to accompany Grandmother!
    • Jumla's Item!
      • It's coffee.
        • IT GIVES 5 950 HEALTH!
    • No mythics or legendaries in death.
      • So obvy...
    • LAST ONE! There will be 10 more provinces.
      • At least 100 quests in each province
      • At least 2 Yahya's in each province
      • At least 4 memes and references in each 20 quests in the 10 provinces

    Name: Lumi
    Slogan: Have a break, have an anime.
    What will you do if you win?:
    I would make a new place called Lice?
    2. Anime everywhere.
    3. Your kids have to be named after characters from anime.
    4. New classes!
    5. I would try and get as many things from the general suggestions into the game!

    Name: Vortex
    Slogan: make Wynncraft great again :D
    What will you do if you win?:

    1. make Wynncraft great again.
    2. Make both provinces better.
    3. Repeat 1. and 2.

    Here's some things I'd like to address to avoid confusion:
    What does the president win?
    As of now, the only prize is getting the unofficial title of "President of Wynncraft by Popular Vote" or whatever you want to call it. The reason that I'm not giving away a prize is because if this turns into a competition more so than a fun event, people might get salty over not winning anything. I'm not stopping you from rewarding the president with a prize personally if you want to, I'm just not making it official.

    How will I know when the thread moves on to the next stage?
    I'll bump it and change the title to read [x/3], x being the stage. Check the Wynncraft section from time to time or watch this thread to know if the next stage is up :)

    Can I vote for myself?
    I guess you can, yeah. But one vote probably won't be enough to sway the results in your favour, so I'd recommend voting for someone else.

    Will I be able to see who others voted for?
    Yes, but only after voting yourself. The poll results will be posted on the thread once it's over too.

    Where's the poll?
    Stage 1 - there isn't a poll yet, we're gathering candidates.
    Stage 2 - there is a link to a google form, you need a gmail account to use it.
    Stage 3 - there is a forum poll on top of the thread, anyone with a forums account can vote in it.

    Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone who enters :D
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
    i eat bees, Nyam, Jacquie and 15 others like this.
  2. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    Creator Karma:
    Name: Snerp
    Slogan: Make Gavel great again
    What will I do?: I will Add grind spots to sky islands, Make Ahmsord a bigger town
    And I will reduce the mythic drop chance to 0.05%
    I will also make the trade market balanced
    And lastly, I will add airship fast travel all around the world!
    I will fix the ip bug

    Also ill make sure wybels can live ALL around Wynn and gavel and not be restricted to an island
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
  3. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Name: Flip/Flup
    Slogan: Those who hate success will not be successful
    What will you do if you win?: I'll double the security in poorer areas of Wynn and Gavel
    Build a wall to separate the mobs from the humans
    I'll nuke the nether portal with arrow bombs
    My face will be on the emerald
  4. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Okay sure why not

    Name: Withth Efish
    Slogan: What separates the level 100s from the level 10s is how a player reacts to each new twist of fate
    What will you do if you win:
    I will balance the game and add many more grind spots for high levels. I will do everything in my power to reduce lag. I promise to also bring back swarms too and add more random events to keep people playing and maybe start on a new class, as well as some part of the old map so veterans can experience it.

    I will also add a bank for quest items.
  5. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Name: Lucy Lilium of the technocratic imperial party.
    Cor Nostrum Deae
    Make Legio Great Again
    Ahri did nothing wrong
    Kv is my vp yo
    Veni Vidi Ivi, Vici Vici Vici
    What will I do if I win? lead the wynn government better than all you fuckers by actually listening to yall.
  6. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    I will add a wall against Dern.
  7. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    Name: Bloww
    Slogan: You can't spell success without me
    What will you do if you win?: Add more memes,remove dead memes. I'll also balance the economy lol i lied hehe (^:
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  8. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    Name: Mr.Zephy
    Slogan: Be more lazy than enough
    What You Will do if You win?: I'LL MAKE LAG GREAT AGAIN
  9. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    Doesn't count, you didn't do the form properly :P
    Slogan: Hold the pickles
    What will you do if you win?: Make fast travelling throughout the provinces affordable by taming dragons and burning carts. Also, we're gonna nuke the dwarves just cause they're pricks.
  10. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    It was a joke, a pun. Ever heard of those? *facepalm*
  11. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    I know what that is, ya goof.
    I was kidding too BTW
  12. Son_Omega_Dan

    Son_Omega_Dan Meow HERO

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    Name:President Dan
    Slogan:The honest guy that will do his best. No tricks mate!
    What Will You Do If You Win?
    1) I guess an Le giveaway for you guys electing me <3
    2) Make a wall of fame, a wall of shame, and a wall of walls (this will be based off on role playing).
    3) I will create lesser federal positions like Vice-President, Mayor, and Governor if OP hadn't already.
    5) WE MIGHT GANG UP ON THE CURRENT WYNN GOVERNMENT AND OVERTHROW THEM (except king of ragni, and mayors of Eltom and Thesead, they're cool)!
    P.S. Youngest president ;) @eeveelution
  13. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    Name: Dirty Dan
    Slogan: No, I'm Dirty Dan.
    Policies: Free Pokémon for everyone!
    Build a wall around Donald Trump, and make him pay for it.
  14. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Name: Business Maximum Synergy Limit Break Overformal Ganon
    Slogan: k
    What will you do if you win?: Make k the first letter of the alphabet. Give supporters money.* Make Wynncraft Flame Wars Again. Start beef with people on accident. Love my supporters with all of my heart.** Have fun. Re-instate the Castle in The Sky and make it the new "White House."

    Vote ganon today and get a better future tomorrow!

    *May or may not actually happen
    **You'll get a <3
    XavierEXE, Jacquie and Spu like this.
  15. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Name: Gushy
    Slogan: Hushy for Gushy!
    What will you do if you win?:
    1. Save all Wybels
    2. Make Mythics more rare
    3. Destroy the economy more
    4. Spill coffee
  16. SizzlingBacon

    SizzlingBacon Enlightened Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Name SizzlingBacon
    Slogan: Sizzlin' to the top!
    What i will do: I will make the forums less spammy, make sure to reply to evey thread and FIX THE ECONOMY @eeveelution
  17. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Name: His Imperial Majesty, Flubby

    If you liked Censorship, and Systemic Oppression, you'll love His Imperial Majesty, Flubby!

    What will you do if you win?: If I win I promise that I'll restore our relations with Zentrela, to restore our economy I'll get rid of PretzuleCare, and deport all immigrants from Dungeon Realms
    Aradia Megido and XavierEXE like this.
  18. xElitaa

    xElitaa Professional Noob

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    Name: Harambe
    Slogan: Wybels Aren't Safe
    What will you do if you win?:
    Send Pretzule to prison for the Private Mailbox Scandal
    Send Jumla back to his cage
    Declare war on Wybels
    Bring jobs back to Wynn
    Deport villagers back to Gavel (those dirty immigrants)
    Restore relations with Fruma
    Build a wall around Corkus
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
    icecream27 likes this.
  19. Emeraldruler

    Emeraldruler God of Emeralds | Fire Mage VIP

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    Yes! This is my chance to raise a revolution fix the economy!
    Name: Emerald of the Wynn Communist Party
    Slogan: Make Wynncraft communist again.
    What will you do if you win?:
    1: Redistribute the wealth, make everyone happy!
    2: Everyone gets mythics!
    3: Equality for all!
    4: Take over the other provinces, they need our socialism!
    5: Fix the damn market.

    inb4 someone takes this too seriously
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
    13threemc likes this.
  20. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    All hail our emperor! :3
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