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Featured Wynncraftian Fw - S4e2 - Yuno F Gasai

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pretzule, Jul 14, 2017.


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  1. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Season 4, Episode 2:
    Yuno F Gasai

    Hosted by @Pretzule and @Pretzule

    Greetings one and all to the second interview of Featured Wynncraftian! For anyone that has no clue what in the world I'm rambling about, let me explain it a tad. Basically, we feature people from the community that have done something that I can ask questions about or are pretty cool and have something to feature.
    If you think you know someone that might be good to be interviewed or is crazy interesting or someone that is a standout member of the community feel free to suggest them here seriously please suggest some, I really can't find them all on my own, and it never hurts to suggest people.

    Alright since last time I decided to try out a new interviewing method, so this time around it will be in a new format which I would enjoy if you were to vote on in the poll up there. Either way, please leave feedback so I know if you enjoy this new way or if you would rather have the old way.

    For this second interview, I am interviewing one man that has done actually quite a bit if you really think about it and who is pretty ambitious in some cases!

    It is none other than @Yuno F Gasai and he was suggested by, actually @Yuno F Gasai but that thread was removed and I decided to interview him no matter what...

    Welp, enough rambling, time to get to the meat of this interview, let's get right into the questions!​

    Why did you decide to start the Wynncraft Translation Project?
    Did you ever expect it to be as big as it is now, and are you proud of how it ended up?
    Towards the end of 2015 I read a suggestion about translating the entire server into another language. I am obsessed with languages so I started translating into Hebrew, I also persuaded my guildmates to start teams of their own.
    I was aware that they're was one translation group before me that died out so I didn't have too much hope for the project. But I ran the country statistics thread pre 9/7 so I had a kind of data base to recruit people from.
    The project got boosted a couple of times, first after gavel came out and we were hot by a wave of new players, then after we discovered that there was a Russian community that already translated everything on their own website.
    The most recent boosts were when creepers joined the
    French team and when we got permission to add the translations to the wiki.
    Well it's a good thing you got those boosts from the community, the translation project is helpful to any
    that need it.

    Do you think you think that it would have failed without those boosts then?
    Without those boosts the translation project would have died out sometime in early 2016 imo
    Now, your filling holes project why did you decide to start it?
    I main mage in wynncraft (and in most games), as a mage I loved to tp everywhere and get into places I want supposed to be in (detlas mage library, four great halls of great bridge, second floor of the troms castle and etc) of course there were also a lot of 1x1 holes that you could get stuck in and had to /kill in order to escape.
    At the start I just passed all my findings to builders to fix, but then I noticed the forums and GitHub have reports of holes as well so I made a thread to put them all in a tidy list by location and size.
    After a while it became a map fixing thread (also removing blocks from places like from on top of loot chests).
    I get what you mean, getting stuck is really frustrating, that thread is really handy, because of course the CT won't be able to find all of them when things are being tested.
    It's especially nice how builders are able to work with you to get holes patched up as soon as possible, and be fixed when the map pushes again.

    Now are there any other projects that you've wanted to do, but never really got the chance to because of personal reasons or other things?
    I have so many failed projects that didn't take off.
    the most recent are my projects that I grouped under the name "Wynn Projects" I planned to have around nine groups each of around 10-30 players that will work with me on different projects. I planned to create a forum help group that will help around the forums with creating threads and showing new members the different sections, a boss help group that will help with in game boss fights, a quest help group, an in game knowledge group for theories that will work together with project apex (apex is a group where I gathered a lot of the more educated members of the community to help with theories), I also planned to revive the artist group we made back in Valkyrie to encourage cooperation and to revive the art section (it was pretty dead back then).
    all of the above projects were abandoned as I couldn't focus on everything at once and it was getting in the way of my grades.
    I also planned to create some sort of hotline to help people with irl issues but I was talked out of it as it could have been problematic.
    I also had a guild ambassador project that tried to make guilds more friendly by inviting ambassadors from different guilds to the guild events and holding events together, we deemed the project unnecessary after a while because guilds started to be less toxic and more welcoming.
    we also had a newspaper project that went inactive because all of the members were too busy irl to maintain a steady outflow of threads.
    those were my failed projects.

    I always wanted to do a community cooking guide (I did make some threads but I want the community to work with me too)
    I would also like to see other people make diaries in nemract's bar as I still feel kinda weird that im the only one with a diary there.
    All of that is pretty ambitious, even if you did manage to get all of it you'd need a lot of help managing them. Who knows, maybe someone will decide to borrow one of your ideas and try to do something with it. It would be pretty nice and helpful, especially the Help Group.

    So, obviously, you've tried a bunch of different things and tried to make a bunch of different projects, but which project are you the most proud of and why?
    I guess I'm the most proud of my translations project and my ambassador project.
    The translation project for what it achieved and for the huge cooperation the community showed with it.
    And I'm proud in my ambassador project for what it tried to achieve back when guilds were falling apart and becoming toxic.
    Also I like my horse prices thread as every now and then someone tries to calculate them by himself and gets referred to my thread (which strokes my ego a bit) but it created a small community of horse calculators which I find hilarious.
    What exactly is the Ambassador Project? I don't recall ever seeing that around.
    Is it also still active in trying to make guilds a better place?
    During my membership in imperial I got to meet and know a lot of guild leaders and soon to be leaders/advisors.
    I decided to create a project where r each guild will appoint an ambassador that will join the chats of another guild (sorta like an exchange student) and they're he will work with his host guild to tighten the relations between guilds and host events together.
    The first ambassadors were kitty (which now leads imperial) and stitched (I believe she is active in tni now) we chose tna because we already knew the guild and it's leaders and had experience with them.
    The project stopped because it wasn't as successful as we hoped and because most community guilds grew inactive.
    When I became the leader of Valkyrie I tried to revive it but most community guilds were dead by then so it was doomed to fail another time.
    I do try to continue it in a way by letting everyone join imperial's discord as long as they follow our rules and I encourage other guilds to do the same.
    Well that's kind of unfortunate that it died down, but understandable guilds are pretty hard to maintain now a days.

    Moving on from guilds... In a few months you're leaving, correct?
    Would you like to give some information why you're departing from Wynn and how you feel about it?
    You are correct, by the end of August I will join a mechina so I will probably be extremely inactive.
    In Israel every citizen over the age of 18 that finished high school is drafted into the army. I chose to postpone my army service by 6 months and during that time I will live together with 40 other youths like me (a third of them will be Jews from abroad) we will sleep together, eat together and cook together. The point is to strengthen the bond between the Jews living abroad and the ones living in Israel. We will also have a lot of trips, lectures and activities together. For example I will be in a mechina near Jerusalem in a kibbutz so we will help with the farms, flora, and whatever the kibbutz needs.
    To be completely honest I would love to stay here and keep interacting with the community I came to know and love, but I also feel that the community changed and I don't know it as well as I thought. I am slowly giving my projects to other people (kitty will take over the translations).
    The forums were a big party of my life but I feel this chapter had come to an end, I will miss you all.
    That sounds like a pretty fun thing to do, you'd get to meet a quite a few people there.
    Yeah, it's sad that you'll have to leave the forums and move on, but the experiences and people you've interacted with will remember you, and hey, there's still a few months left might as well make these last few days the best.

    For the final question, with you leaving in August, what do you want to be able to do before then?
    Forum wise I would like to find people to continue all my projects. I would like to think I would continue updating my diary and art thread.
    IRL wise I want to get my driving license, work some more on my liquor recipes and go on a trip with my gf as it will be hard meeting with her once I join the mechina (we go home every second Saturday).
    I'm not totally sure about this yet but I do want to make a wynncraft meetup in Israel as we have a lot of players and it's the summer vacation, I did try to do this time before but I didn't get much feedback so I'm a bit reluctant to do this (I only met three Wynn players IRL and only one was from Israel).
    Well I hope you get the chance to accomplish all of those, or at the very least the most important ones.
    Good luck in your future endeavors Yuno, and thank you for letting me interview you.
    Thanks for interviewing me

    This concludes the second interview for this time on Featured Wynncraftian.
    The next Featured Wynncraftian will be in another 2 weeks.
    If you missed the last Featured Wynncraftian where I interviewed @XavierEXE check it out here.

    Thank you once again @Yuno F Gasai for letting me interview you!​
    NITEHAWKX, tortellini, Hiryu and 46 others like this.
  2. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Wuuh, you did it!
    In my opinion a great choice, since Yuno has done a great deal for the community. Some things people might not even remember because of how long he's been around.
    And after all, one doesn't get 23k+ likes for nothing >^<
  3. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    Heyy Congrats @Yuno F Gasai You deserved it ;) Have fun with the congrats btw xP
    coolname2034 and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    He actually did it, the madman
    coolname2034, Dohdo, sorae and 10 others like this.
  5. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    congratz yuno. Ik ur leaving pretty soon, so it was great that you got to be FW before doing so
    rock on dude
  6. SuspiciousPie

    SuspiciousPie Retired mod, professional pizza and sushi lover HERO

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    A question for you: how long will you be in the army? You said you postponed it for 6 months, means you join the army in Fenruary 2018, right?
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  7. pippi~

    pippi~ ritoru demon

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    Congrats Yuno!
    (oh god the tags)
  8. Blizzardgale

    Blizzardgale Famous Adventurer VIP

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    Congratulations @Yuno F Gasai ! You completely deserve this FW for all your hard work done in the Wynn community. Some people won't acknowledge it, either intentionally or from forgetfulness, but you've helped tons of players over the years.
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  9. SizzlingBacon

    SizzlingBacon Enlightened Adventurer CHAMPION

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    gratz yuno :D
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  10. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    that's pretty good!
    Dakota and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  11. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Hey, that's pretty good
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  12. Leor1

    Leor1 Found 2 Mythics VIP+

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    Every boy stays 3 - 4 years in the army while the girls stay 2 years, not including the postponed

    Btw congrats yuno!
    SuspiciousPie and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  13. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Tbh I forgot some of the things I've done, I had to go dig around in my docs and convos.
    Thanks! I'm quite used to spam!
    The first self nomination that actually worked.
    Currently I'll be drafted in March 2018, the date can move depending on the role that I'll serve as (I'm still going through screening processes).
    Thanks! But don't think that I'm done! I still got plans for this place!
  14. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    oh darn thats pretty cool
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  15. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    Omg this duo is back! I love them
    DerVillager, Dakota, Kaelan~ and 4 others like this.
  16. Trash

    Trash Add earth dagger VIP

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    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  17. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    you know you can just jump in this type of holes right?
  18. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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  19. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    what is the difference?
  20. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    you cant get out of it beause there are blocks on all 6 sides
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