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133mc's Guild War Guide

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by 13threemc, Nov 6, 2019.

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  1. 13threemc

    13threemc vote kanye 2020 CHAMPION

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    Hi there 133 here and I'm here to teach you how to guild war effectively. (Unless you already know, in which case tell me if I'm wrong on something.)


    The 2 most important things in guild wars are persistence and efficiency. Taking territories is a grind and other guilds that have already laid claim to that territory probably won't like it when you attack those territories, and the alliances that other guild is in might come to attack you. I'm going to break down warring into 3 sections follow all 3 and you'll be an effective warring guild.

    Section 1 - Taking territories:

    Ok so you have a guild now, hopefully with a few members and you want to take some territories for guild xp and to a lesser extent emerald, the first thing you need to know is what territories you plan on attacking as different territories give different amounts of xp and emeralds. Below is a handy map dividing the map into which territories give good guild xp for leveling your guild.

    In terms of xp it goes green < yellow < orange < red < purple ( jungle should be orange, I'm just too lazy to fix it. Also should be noted that these are merely broadly categorizing the areas into how much XP the territories in those areas give, it's not precise.)

    As you can see, with a couple of exceptions the good xp territories are mostly in western gavel. These exceptions are areas where one or multiple high level quests end. Most notable is Mine base plains which is in a green area, but the level 90 quest fantastic voyage ends there so it's a very good xp territory. This map isn't a 100% accurate guide, just know that if a level 60+ quest ends there or it contains a popular grind spot it will give good guild xp. Obviously attacking higher xp territories is more efficient.

    Ok next up actually attacking territories, when attacking its important to be coordinated as even though you can war on your own with success sometimes, it's not advised. For most defences with 1000 mobs as Long as you can kill mobs fast enough you'll take a territory in 8-10 minutes alone, 4-5 minutes with 2 people, and 3-4 minutes with 3 people. With 4 people you might shave 10 seconds of your war time but its not worth having more than 3 people in a guild war unless someone defends with a 22k defense. When attacking territories, using consumables is highly recommended, especially healing pots and scrolls that boost mana regen, health and skill points, Skill point potions are also advised.

    If you have more than 3 members in your war team online you may want to consider using a sub-guild to attack territories and then feed them to your main guild by not defending them so the main guild can take them immediately. It should be noted there is a 180 second cooldown after a guild finishes a war to give the guild that just warred time to defend.

    Always try to stick together in a territory when fighting in a war as it makes it easier to share buffs and mobs spawn more compactly so they are easier to kill with aoe. When playing assassin or warrior try to find a cave with a low y level so you don't have to run about as much and you can therefore kill mobs faster.

    When attacking a series of territories you want to pick an area and then decide on a route through it that contains as few territory leaps as possible, always try to attack territories immediately next to the territory you just took.

    Further information will be provided in the later sections.

    Section 2 - Defending territories:

    When warring most guilds defend with one of three defenses.

    Level 50 filler defense: 300 level 50 rangers, 300 level 50 mercenaries, 300 level 50 rogues and 100 level 50 barbarians. This is the cheapest full 1k defense in the game. Its advantage is its cheapness so you don't drain your guild bank.

    Cost: 1520 Emeralds.

    Bob defence: 300 level 50 rangers, 700 level 1 bob the zombies. Bob the zombie was a semi joke mob you unlock at level 50, but recently it was discovered by @hora6112/gaidg that they take longer to kill because they're ranged and therefore you can stall your enemies for longer for a little extra cost.

    Cost: 1850 emeralds.

    Sniper defense: 300 level 50 rangers, 300 level 50 mercenaries, 300 level 50 rogues, 70 level 50 barbarians and 30 level 90/100 snipers. The advantage of this defense is that you can sometimes stop weaker war teams from taking the territory you've defended, IMO its not worth it though.

    Cost: 1829/2039 emeralds. (You can use level 90 snipers as a substitute for a decrease in effect but also a decrease in cost, level 80 and below snipers aren't worth it)

    Other defenses are available. Such as the 22k which is the most powerful defense you can legitimately have and constitutes of all level 100 mobs and all 4 bosses, you shouldn't do it unless you just want to ruin your guilds funds. I recommend level 50 filler defense unless your guild is at Guild level 50 in which case use bob defence.


    Section 3 -Alliances:

    Alliances are arguably more important than efficiency and persistence when it comes to guild wars as with a strong enough alliance you can dominate the entire map. If your guild is not in an alliance you won’t be able to hold territories for long. A guild has limited recruitment power and combining guilds into alliances means that you’ll have more players around the clock from warring then you can ever get as a solo guild.

    Also you can transfer members between guilds in the alliance so war teams have the optimal amount members (3). It should be noted that alliances cause a lot of drama and the best way to prevent this and maintain a strong long term alliance is to tell the truth to the other guilds in your alliance and not try to manipulate them for your own guilds gain, To have a strong alliance it absolutely helps to put the alliances interests in front of guild interests, doing this benefits your guild in the long run.

    When attacking in a guild alliance or with sub-guilds try to get your guilds to start far away from each other, the greater the distance between attacking guilds the easier it is to coordinate them.

    Section 4 -Warring builds:

    Not all builds are created equally and they vary in effectiveness, I would say spell air+water builds are the best for warring. This is because spell spam means you have aoe attack and you can attack rapidly, walkspeed is good because you can get between territories faster and walkspeed also counters range mobs for warrior and assassin. A negative of this is if you are attacking/defending a high level territory its very easy to die as the mobs outside guild wars can kill you quickly.

    Not all classes are created equally when it comes to warring either, this is a little controverstial but in terms of best war class it goes: Archer>Assassin>Mage>Warrior.

    Here are some good war builds that don't require mythics.
    War builds to be added soon.

    Section 5 -FFAs:

    FFA stands for free for alls, these are territories are decided to be FFAs by the most powerful alliances on the server and attacking these will cause no hard feelings between guilds when attacked, even if an allied guild currently holds that FFA territory.

    Aside from Detlas and Emerald Trail the other territories all give good to great xp, but they won't be held for long as any guild can attack them at anytime and will because they won't offend anyone when they do.

    It should be noted that when the Silent expanse area is released that will probably become an FFA when it is released. And it will probably stay like that for 3 weeks - possibly forever.

    EDIT: I won't update this list, it was accurate at the time, consider it innaccurate for all purposes.

    I should note that in this thread I have straight up taken some resources from another thread that covers guild wars by @PikaLegend, here is his thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/⚔-guild-wars-⚔-my-tips-and-tricks-to-finding-success-in-wars.228487/ it covers some things I don't.
    Once again if you have any improvements you think I should make feel free to tell me and I'll credit you then.
    Thanks to @hora6112/gaidg
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2019
  2. Alex1

    Alex1 Alex HERO

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    This is actually really cool and helpful, nice work on this!

    Also Bob's don't actually spawn any slower, it's just that ranged mob AI is so broken that the mobs will get stuck behind walls/trees etc. and will never move towards you, unlike melee mobs.
    xSkiing, Pally and 13threemc like this.
  3. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    gj on this! really cool
    Mine Base Plains isn't FFA anymore please don't kill me
    As it stands, this is a really helpful guide!
    IMO Sky islands should be red and canyon should be purple, Sky Islands are only good if you get your members to grind there
  4. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    really useful imo, great work
  5. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Neat guide, couple things I want to correct though, since I may as well share my experience and knowledge here now that you've already formatted it nicely

    For the map part, a lot of it is a little off, here's a couple sections that imo need changed:
    • Most importantly, Sky Islands is absolutely nOT purple. I'd say its a yellow, maybe an orange. The entirety of sky islands has zero quests that are in territories, so there is absolutely no consistent xp gain from it. All sky isles xp gain comes from people killing mobs (usually Raider's Base Upper/Lower, Sky Falls, and Molten Reach, with the occasional mad lad in Dragonling Nests), which has become increasingly uncommon with CIB's popularity.
    • Canyon should probably be changed to this: upload_2019-11-6_17-6-10.png , north and mid canyon are well known to be very good, however south canyon only has one (two? I think one though) quest that ends in all of it and it isn't one of the more popular ones, and south canyon is literally never used for mob grinding either.
    • All of ocean except for Corkus should be green, and Corkus itself would probably be yellow if not for statue and factory entrance tbh
    This is wrong, it was found and used by some people in ANO for a long time, hora just talked a lot about it once he saw ANO using it and popularized the idea. Also, it works on kinda a bug.. ish? The rangers are able to kill the bobs, so the bobs are forced to respawn and prolong the war because mobs killed by other mobs don't count as deaths. The whole "ranged mobs don't come toward you so you have to go to them (unless you're archer, archer gang supreme) to kill them instead" is also a factor.

    Honestly though if you play archer the defense takes hardly less time than others, my fastest solo of a bob def currently is 8:41.

    One last note about the mob chart, it could be helpful to note that I think Death's AI is broken and he's supposed to move around, so he's almost never worth buying. All he does it sit there and be a multihit totem with a fat hp pool sadly.
    Completely optional but detailing this by class might be a little better for people as a note. Personally my preferences are:
    Spell- Thunder/Water/Air (I use Divzer [T/W], Gale's Force [A/W], and Cluster [T/W/A] as my builds)
    Melee- archer melee flat out doesnt exist but idk like cluster?? exploding for bob defenses??
    Spell- Thunder/Water/Air (I use Thrunda Ripsaw [T/A]; Infused Hive Dagger [T/W] works kinda well too though I guess)
    Hybrid/Melee - Fire/Thunder/Water/Air (For hybrid, Black [T/F] and Sitis [W/A] are probably the best. For melee, Flameshot Hilt [F] is like the only common one I see really)
    Spell- Thunder/Water/Air (I use Morrowind [A/W], but other common builds are Nepta Floodbringer [W] and Infused Hive Wand [T/W/A])
    Melee- Earth/Air (Mage melee primarily revolves around poison in wars, the most common items here being Gaia [E/A] and Plague Staff [E/A], though for pure melee The Lethe [E/A] works well too)
    Spell- Thunder/Water?? (Spell warrior is rarely used in wars because of how its spells knock around mobs too much to be efficient, so it really isn't viable at all outside of mythics like Thrundacrack [T/W/A] and Idol [W/A])
    Melee- Fire/Earth (Nonmythic: Ignition [F] and Diaminar [F], the latter deals more damage but lacks the exploding of Ignition. Mythic: Apocalypse [F/T] and Alkatraz [E], with Alkatraz being far less common)
    Most of this list caters to nonmythic builds, and stuff obviously can be changed to adjust for mythics (for example, Singularity is a big opener to mage hybrid that isn't common elsewhere that much), but I figured that the majority of people new to guild warring likely wouldn't be able to afford a mythic straight off the bat. If you need nonmythic war builds there's a lot of really solid ones in Fox and Imp's help/trade and wynncraft channels in each's respective discord server, and I'm sure lots of other servers have plenty of good ones too.
    Okay so basically, fun fact, a lot of these FFAs aren't actually good and I was the guy who designed them during the course of Federation; I did this to check the XP gain of certain guilds that held those territories, not necessarily because those FFAs are actually good. But it stuck, so I guess here we are. I'll indicate which are good below by bolding them and why the ones that I don't aren't if you were curious I suppose:

    Wynn: Etrail (gives little emeralds, contrary to popular belief) Detlas (FFA for novelty) Mine Base Plains (I made this FFA to check the guild that claimed it's XP gain at the time, it might've been Hax? But it's a decent territory, nothing special to make it FFA) Bob's Tomb, Battle Tower, Herb Cave, Jungle Lake (good but not too special), Temple of Legends.
    Gavel: Cinfras, Guild Hall, Hive, Qira's Battle Room (FFA solely because it fit nowhere near anyone's claims, it gives basically nothing as a terr) Lava Lake, Molten Reach, Raider's Base Upper, Raider's Base Lower (This is only FFA recently because TNL held a grind party for literally a day in mirror cave and got near 1b xp ONCE, hopefully this gets switched back to Sky Falls soon)
    Corkus: Avos Temple (imo needs changed to Statue but whatever), Factory Entrance

    Note: Just prior to me writing this, Mine Base Plains was removed as an FFA. It is now an ANO claim to my knowledge.

    As for Silent Expanse, yeah, most guilds have agreed that it'll be FFA completely upon release, and after a month or so the good territories will be made FFA specifically or the entire region will stay FFA just to have a neat little full area to mess around in.

    Good guide overall and that's a ton of stuff I listed to add so I expect honestly very little of it to be thrown in, but I figured I'd add my two cents.
    or like, twenty cents

    its fine

    G O O D G U I D E
    Pally, Cloud Man, 789poiu3 and 2 others like this.
  6. J4ckieChan23

    J4ckieChan23 Hammer Enthusiast VIP

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    "If you have more than 3 members in your war team online you may want to consider using a sub-guild to attack territories and then feed them to your main guild by not defending them so the main guild can take them immediately. It should be noted there is a 180 second cooldown after a guild finishes a war to give the guild that just warred time to defend."

    Isn't sub guild feeding against the rules?
    18. Do not use alternate guilds or sub-guilds to maintain territory.

    An alternate guild doesn’t have to be owned by a person’s alternate account. This applies to any guild being used to capture territories which are then allowed to be captured by a main guild.

    Is it just that no one observes it so its sort of allowed? Don't really keep up with guilds.

    Thanks for the guide though, was very informative!
  7. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    The rule was officially changed, just waiting on a thread update. It's legal.
  8. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    FFA is CONSTANTLY changing
    Just a heads up that its already inaccurate.
  9. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    Goden, Ruiner of Dreams
    Pally and Goden like this.
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