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SPOILER 1.20 - Compiled Teasers And Speculation

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Bart (MC), Nov 6, 2020.

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  1. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Yes, I know, I'm very late with this thread, as the trailer is dropping in less than a day. Nonetheless, I want to summarize the theorizing and the teasers we've had over the last couple months, for those that didn't keep up too much. Consider this a discussion of my speculation, as well.

    First, the "News from the CT" threads. A lot has been shared in those, but mainly:

    - confirms there won't be a massive new region/area
    - will have new content and improvements in mainly mid- and endgame, for both quests and builds (and presumably more as well)
    - certain caves will be upgraded in quality
    - the Forgery will receive a special mechanic in the form of a chest that fills up when you do (unique) corrupted dungeons

    QUESTS: Underwater, Enzan's Brother (likely)
    BUILDS: Ragni-Maltic beach, Maltic, Emerald Trail, Llevigar Plains-Light Forest area, Bucie (maybe), lower Sky Islands (possible actually a new area), Aldorei (likely) or CotL(unlikely), Clock Mystery, the Void, Sakura Forest & the Dojo

    There is also "the lad", which seems to be connected or even is a Colossus, similarly to the Lost Colossus in CotL. Considering it's being shown here, it could be tied to a discovery/quest (which would likely involve Colossi) though I believe it's just a small meme in CT.

    - Another completely unknown image is one of a mossy underground room, with a cave-like exit and a Nii rune on the wall. I think this is part of a new quest or discovery related to runes, but could be simply part of the cave upgrade.
    - There are also three floating black swirls in the sky- zero clue what that's about. Probably part of a new area, though it could be a build for an updated (or entirely revamped) ???.
    - A confirmation of new item skins with a hat, which will include other new hats/weapon skins most likely.
    - Some frog/lizard monster, confirmed to be an NPC. Seems to hint at either a big Olux build update, or more likely: swamp discoveries.

    Second, from the "Fallen Protectors" teaser:

    BUILDS: the Void

    - There is a strange rainbow-coloured hot air balloon. This is probably not a fast-travel, and considering this is likely the "big secret" mentioned in the comments of the video by the Wynncraft channel, it's likely tied to either a new big area or a new mechanic/feature. The area in question would be, considering both the location and end of the teaser, the Wind Fortress, which had fallen into the void when the Ahms region fell. This would be an end-game location with probably a new quest (or even multiple) tied to it. The other possibility is a new feature or mechanic, to which the rainbow hot air balloon would take you- this seems to me the more likely use of it. As for what the mechanic will be, entirely unknown- I would think maybe a Nether-like PvP arena, but that wouldn't be with such a happy little balloon ride. I'd assume either a powder-esque new feature or a more chill laid-back feature, like permanent minigames. Hell, housing or a guild hall isn't even off the table for this one.
    - The Void has gotten some Colossus-related new additions, which makes me think we'll get a quest related to both the history of the Sky Islands / Ahms region as well as the Void. The Lost Colossus in CotL should also be included as well, and maybe even the talks about a golem near Cinfras.
    - The pan downwards and the wind blowing at the end of the trailer reminds of the Wind Fortress once again, but this time it's actually likely to be hinted at. Almost certain we'll be getting some kind of new content involving the Wind Fortress.

    Third, the smaller and more individual teasers; still very important to mention.

    - Salted tweeted an image from his personal Twitter, of both a Rat Pet (existing) and a Colossal Rat Pet (not existing) with both having a black bar in front of their names. This probably teases some kind of new pets, but it could be anywhere from new shop additions to full-fledged Chaos Garden style pets (actually, hold that thought for the rainbow balloon as well) to Pokemon.

    - "secret.png" was an image first shown in the News from CT thread, and then later tweeted by the official Wynncraft account. It's a specific swirl that has led to wild discussions, but in a later tweet it's basically been confirmed that it's part of a special new secret language, much like Wynnic. Could be some kind of ancient Gavellian, which could really hint at anything in Gavel that's old (Wind Fortress, Dullahan Mansion, etc). We really don't know what the answer could be to either as of right now. The second image consistents of either a 7 letter word and a 4 + 3 letter word- the best guesses I've seen are ALDO REI, AHMS ORD, VOID ???, WIND ???, but none of those seem conclusive. This better get answered in the trailer.

    - On Discord, many content team members have been sending emotes or combinations of emotes, and they seem to be teasing things. My best guess from these is that they correspond to quests, but it could be both quests and builds, or even something entirely different as well.
    :mushroom: - the bigger picture (maybe shattered minds)
    :lock: - forbidden prison
    :bird::factory: - probably a new corkus quest
    :flag_hu::man::mountain: - the hidden city
    :herb::flashlight: + :four_leaf_clover::sparkles: - finding the light
    :feather::dash:+ :feather::dash::two: - firmly believe this is a new avos-related quest
    :fire::bearded_person::door: - the thanos vaults
    :snake: - death whistle
    oh, you'll have to imagine the discord emotes yourself btw, sorry

    - On the build server chat moments thread (this is how far we dig), Dwicey was shown to have the "LM" role. Considering it's never been shown anywhere else before, nor did he have the role before somewhere the last weeks, it's probably related to the new update, and important at that. What could it stand for? Probably not Literature Merchant. The "M" is probably Maker, Master or Manager, but the L could be a lot: Lag, Lore, Level, Log? My guess is on level, he doesn't seem like the person to be handling any of the other things- but a level of what? Generally updated dungeons, perhaps?

    - Also on Discord, Selvut posted a long text he said was "a minor teaser". I think it's going to be a small part of either a new area or a new quest with a few mobs, based on that description. I'm not going to try to summarize it, I've read through it four times now and I've barely understood it.
    What's weird?

    ...no, perhaps the better way to word that is, what is a weird. They seem to exist around large concentrations of potent magic, and aren't really easily classified in any manner. Sometimes they're hostile, other times not. They're totally unpredictable, except in one aspect- if there is strong magic, there will be Weirds...

    ...with exceptions.

    The magic must not be an original source for Weirds to form from it- a creature that fully embodies the aspect of Light could not have its branches form Weirds. There must be some degrees of separation. A user of Light that is able to embody that creature's control over Light or funnel its power, COULD create Weirds, as this user is a completely separate conduit of power through which the magic is channelled.

    This lead to conjecture that Weirds are, in a way, corrupted magical outlash, feeding into itself in strange ways, hence the name of Weird. By all rights, they should not properly exist, yet there are laws and rules which govern their existence that are able to be discovered and discerned through careful observation.

    Even those rules are broken however, due to the behaviour of Weirds. A hundred Weirds could conglomerate around a single source, yet not a one of them would truly be comparable by their actions- only their base makeup and general appearance. And these actions can include changing their fundamental makeup on the fly, to elements found only in the barest of representation. A Light-based Weird was once found in an intense conglomeration of Earth magic, despite the creatures affected by that magic having nothing to do with the aspect of Light!

    Fervent research found that deep underground at that spot, there were near-microscopic organisms which produced a natural bioluminesence, which allowed Light Weirds to form around that source. This implies that Weirds have a very significant awareness of their surroundings, but how could one choose to be based upon Light in the midst of Earth, if one's consciousness did not exist prior?

    Everything we know about the concept of the conscious mind requires a point of genesis. Weirds throw this concept into a back alley, pummel it against the brickwork, and rifle through its pockets for spare intelligence, as there is no defined point of genesis for the consciousness of Weirds.

    Without nigh-omniscient knowledge of the area, nothing could possibly have known about such an infinitesimally small source of light, let alone a being whose entire existence is defined by that element! Does this mean Weirds are omniscient? It cannot be, as Weirds have been surprised and caught before, and lashed violently. An omniscient or all-knowing being could have easily prevented this, as many of these attempts have ended in destruction of the Weird.

    The common theory of "limited omniscience" is an oxymoron in itself, and should not be regarded. Considering many Weirds simply exist in one spot before doing anything that could be considered sentient or even instinctual, the genesis of their thought processes must not be a defined point, or at least a point utterly alien to our minds as we are able to conceive them...

    ...which leads into the concept of Wyrd. That Weirds are the way in which forces and magic shall taste of itself and feed back, and that their existence requires the concept of a fickle sort of destiny.
    The concept of Wyrd is that it is the unfolding of the destiny of something, and the nature in which something changes, or does not. Wyrd is the way that you are both the same person and a different person than you were five years ago to this date. It is the concept of everpresent, inexorably, consistently unpredictable changes, and how a start can end in a way that could not be guessed to begin with.

    Wyrd is NOT a story carved in stone that all must play out. One's destiny changes based on their decisions, and there is no simple "web" of choices that one could double back on or view. Whether you kill a butterfly or not does not open up a universally different network of potential futures- it is simply an event that could happen.

    You don't buy a spool of thread, and the universe decides "You're going to make a scarf out of this." While the words are similar in our understanding as we now have it, they used to be different- and the concept easier to grasp. But now we need to grasp at straws to have even the barest understanding of the concept of Wyrd. That it is ever-changing but constant, like the eye of a great, raging storm. We cannot observe its true capacity- we can't look up at the sky and know its bounties in full, for it is simply too great, as is Wyrd.

    Destiny is not something that can be predicted- fortunetellers and future sight only can go so far, showing mere possibilities without certainty, but this is often a foray into the Wyrding way without realization of the enormity of its potential. It is a glance at the sky through a window. The view of the sea from a boat. The idea that things are pre-ordained but do not have an outwardly observable direction, however, is embodied into the very existence of Weirds!

    Is it such a coincidence that Wyrd and Weird are pronounced the same? That the word Weird was derived from Wyrd, and then looped back into itself? Even their existence is a language feeding back after centuries, tasting itself and exemplifying its evolution. Weirds are the power of Wyrd in a microcosm, embodied in the extended forces of the world. Magic observing its own origins and having a path that no one can predict, but is concrete all the same- and just as one can stir concrete to make it set in different ways, the actions of Weirds can be nudged and directed to change that destiny. They can be studied and destroyed just the same as anything else, and despite that they had a different goal in mind, the end result was an inevitability.

    Pretty weird, right?

    Lastly, @Jbip made a teaser thread that supposedly had serious leaks about the update. We've decoded a few so far, I want to say:
    The man with a pilgrim outfit, this either means something special happens on Thanksgiving (a sale, probably, but it seems strange for a teaser), or with either of the pilgrim groups in Wynn: the Maltic villagers and the Eltom humans. We know about Maltic, and I think Eltom is very likely to get some kind of change, be it build- or questwise.

    The egg, likely about the eggs of the grootslang (which implies a quest rework, or much more exciting: a new dungeon or boss fight). Slight possibility of a Gelibord build update (Gelibord is named after HardBoiledEgg), but I'm going for Grootslang.

    The antlers with a basketball is probably a reference to the basketball team "Milwaukee Bucks", but that alone doesn't seem to connect it to anything in-game; so I want to say this is about something new, in probably Light Forest. Either that or we're getting the WIP for a new weapon model.

    "Reading Rainbows" is a kids tv show turned educational app teaching kids about reading. Almost makes me think that the rainbow hot air balloon is going to take me to a new library, but it's probably very sneaky about a new mechanic. I'm convinced it's going to be related to one, after all, but let's go with an idea of runes now going to do something special for the player, and the rainbow balloon taking you there, for the way the teaser is shown here.

    Lord Farquaad is so obviously pointing to a Maiden's Tower rework it seems too good to be true. Because I'm already suspecting swamp discoveries, I'll just say it could be one of those as well.

    The orange slime is from Terraria, and apparently made from lava. Probably teasing a From the Mountains update, considering the similarities between a lava slime and a magma slime (the flerises).

    Hog - uh, no solid clue, actually. It could be saying pet update, it could be saying Emerald Trial update, it could be saying Underwater update, it could be an abbreviation of H.O.G. for all we know, not unlike CoW. Either way, I want to say it's new content once more. The hog is very versatile.

    Bak'al looking very blue is kinda weird, it seems like we'll be meeting him in a new quest once more, but I can't really say much more about it. The hue makes me think frozen or Nesaak, but that's kinda already done in terms of new content, it seems- so it's ambiguous where Bak'al would appear next, and especially where he'd get a tan like that.

    The red mailbox is from Mother 3, and the game text on it reads "Stuffed inside the mailbox was sheer, unending darkness" which totally seems to imply Dern- but for now, let's go with the Void. Or mailboxes, which kinda makes me think back to rainbow hot air balloon chill corner. Maybe a (possible guild-related?) mail system, or just housing altogether. It's possible, you know. Just highly unlikely.

    The green bird hat is Ezlo from the Minish Cap, which is a hat that allows Link to shrink to Minish (= very small people) size. Massive Bigger Picture vibes here.

    The 10 scribbly lines (hey! it's this thread!) just comes over to me as being related to runes. Otherwise it would just be a pattern- and that's about as hard to place correctly as knowing a single block that will be added in the update.

    Bastille is a band, and the image uses the logo of the band as well. They've gotten a few hit songs and I assume this is referencing one of those, but let's hope it won't feel like nothing changed at all.

    Cheems is a funny dog meme, and totally about a new quest Jbip is making that will add another cool dog to Wynn. That, or all new quests will now involve dogs. I'm not complaining.

    The Vindicator, which really seems to imply either some kind of new quest or boss or whatever, or the more exciting option: raids. Vindicators are mobs that always participate in raids, and considering Wynn has had swarms in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a teaser for swarms to return, which function very similar to Minecrafts raids.

    - The guy with a monocle is "The Baron" from Starbound, or also known as.. the Light Baron. Yep, I'm implying Orphion is going to have some kind of update this update. Might not be the massive multiplayer requiring bossfight that I'm expecting it to one day be, but any kind of update to the whole Realm of the Light would be great on its own. If we do end up with a fully finished Realm of Light storyline plus incredible Oprhion bossfight on a never before seen scale (or: the one place you could actually make a literal massive bossfight), that's basically the best update.

    Now, since the trailer is now considerably closer than when I started the thread, I decided it might just be fun to make a bingo card for the trailer.

    And that's pretty much it. There are probably a few things I forgot to mention or simply haven't correctly speculated on, so do remember to pitch in so you too can claim predicting things once the trailer drops.
    Lotem, NITEHAWKX, Crokee and 26 others like this.
  2. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    why yes very interesting thread cool stuff very nice
    guess you'll have to wait and see now
  3. RandomJukebox

    RandomJukebox gamer with extra cheese VIP

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    c o o l
    starx280 likes this.
  4. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    ayyy you finally made the thread

    That bingo card is really neat btw, interested to see how people will fill it out...
  5. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    kinda silly to make the free space impossible to get
  6. Ellphant

    Ellphant [they/them] stop and smell the flowers, won't you? HERO

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    Not only am I excited to watch the trailer, now I am excited to play bingo while watching the trailer!
    starx280 and Bart (MC) like this.
  7. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Hopefully the trailer will answer everything...
    _TheRealJesus and starx280 like this.
  8. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    Wait update or trailer drops tomorrow
  9. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities HERO

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    Trailer because lord knows the update can't drop tomorrow
    MlecznyHuxel99 and starx280 like this.
  10. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    my heart has started racing upon reading the words "update drops tomorrow"
    Dr Zed, NITEHAWKX, Aya and 9 others like this.
  11. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    Still hella hype tho
  12. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    My exams are the week after next so I'm just waiting for the update to drop the day my exams begin because L O L

    Also am praying for swarms again (because swarms were epic) except they finally listen to my 400iq suggestion and fix lag
    starx280 likes this.
  13. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    bastille is also the name a of a fortress, and people have been speculating about the wind fortress so it could be a hint towards that
  14. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Bastille is also an Item ingame so maybe that's getting changes to it
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    well, about that...
    ShadowMage1 and Salted like this.
  16. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    You sly dog

    Salted likes this.
  17. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Its not that.

    More decay lore? RoL update is already confirmed too.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  18. nuuurd

    nuuurd theres no "best" class kthxbye VIP

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    im pretty sure this chonker is orphion (although im basing this off of the fact that salted added an emoji of that mob named :orphionhead: and then like a minute later renamed it to :goodboye:)
    MlecznyHuxel99 and Druser like this.
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Yeah it's pretty clearly orphion.
  20. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Notice the size of blocks compared to that guy.
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