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✧ Gravity ✧ The Hottest First Person Shooter You Have Ever Seen ✧ New Game ✧

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Dohdo, Jul 5, 2017.

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  1. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    dont worry I'll work
    on a better one once
    I upload the next
    ✧Poorly Done Introduction✧
    You heard it! I made a First Person Shooter and I would like allllllllllll of you to test it out. It was only worked on for a week and is verrrrrrrrrrry buggy.

    The concept is very simple. You start as an attacker and are suppose to attack the enemy star ship. Literally all you do in this version is attack capsules that dont move. However, if you want, you can play with your bro by putting it on his computer, selecting LAN host when you join, and have him select LAN Client.

    ✧What's in this version?✧
    -Two Bad-ass star ships.
    -A really hot gun. (With kickback, so you can't spam right click)
    -Shooting, which is done by right clicking.
    -Jumping, which is made possible through boots with launchers! This makes it possible to jump when you are still in the air!
    -Legs, which give you the ability to move like a regular person.
    -Three cactus that are flexing their arms.
    -Reverse gravity tool! Ever in an edgy place and need to get out asap? Flip your gravity today!

    ✧What can we expect in the new version?✧

    -Enemies have AI and will shoot at you if you get too close.
    -Jumping made possible in gravity, it's very buggy so I removed it.
    -A better GUI for starting out your game.
    -I'll try to have the UI at the top right corner removed.
    -Music! Ever wanted to listen to NCS while playing but are too lazy? Well I'll do it for you!
    -Sound Effects: You could hear the gun shoot if you


    WASD > Up, Left, Down, Right
    Space > Give yourself a boost (or Jump)
    Q > Reverse Gravity!
    F > Pop out your curser! This is kinda buggy so dont use it.
    Shift > Sneak! I think you guys will like how this one works.
    Alt + f4 > Exiting the game will be made easier in the next version.

    Just go to the page, highlight both versions, right click, and press download.

    Hours Spent: Too many for me to count lol

    *****This version is insanely buggy. I want you guys to report as many bugs as you can find and try to recreate them so that I know where they come from, so that I could patch them.

    Hope you guys like the game so far!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
    Coolfood and hmm like this.
  2. lilyvng

    lilyvng lilyvng

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    That would seem very fun
    Dohdo likes this.
  3. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    Interesting idea-
    If you can get it to work (I've never made a game with Unity (or any game that matter)), an interesting gimmick would be to change gravity based on your own player's orientation in space. I'm not sure how that would work, or if it would be obnoxious
    Another idea, ditch gravity entirely and use recoil to locomote.
    Make gravity a gimmick somehow. Not only would it make the title make sense, it would also be fuckin cool.

    A few problems to fix-
    There's no sprite for bullets. That makes me uncomfortable.
    The weird recoil mechanic changes my orientation more than Mike Pence, making it difficult to aim.
    The movement speed is slower than the Fidget Spinner's death as a popular idea.
    The rifle is a boring weapon. Spice it up a bit.
    You can turn upside-down, and that inverts your turning. Fix that.
    The space ship designs are boring!
    Your spaceship lacks any detail on the bottom. Usually what I do it put the cockpit/bridge on the bottom to subvert expectations and make it unique.
    Also, it needs more glowy parts.

    Still, it looks promising! A space themed FPS seems like it could have some neat gimmicks and weapon variety when it's finished.
    Dohdo likes this.
  4. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Thanks for your support!

    changing gravity based on your axis was the first idea I had, but it died for the most part. Figuring out which axis the player was and then changing it in 6 if statements (There are 3 axis' and then positive/negative, 3*2=6) was confusing enough, and it would eat up CPU.

    I dont know what you mean by using recoil to locomate, do you mean getting pushed back by kickback?

    About bullets, I had an idea of making it so you can see bullets when they are shot, and I have a little twist in mind, but it's a surprise.

    And sure, I'll increase movement speed. It never bothered me, but Im not the consumer here, so what do I know?

    I'm gonna have 3 separate weapons that all have their own twists and turns, dont you worry about it.

    I didn't know about turning upside down, I'll take a look into it.

    And yeah, I rushed the space ships to get this version out asap. I'll defenitely work on them. Also, the design you got there is pretty cool. Ill try and recreate it.

    About lights, I plan on having lights on edges of the floor, which would look lit to an extent.
    hmm likes this.
  5. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    yeah, it's using bullet recoil to move around
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