Reaper of soul for sale 1 le. bids can be made. discord tag: yolomacdodo#0927
try using the same colors you can still see brush patterns around it and a bit of the text
Hi i think its a good attempt just keep practicing filling you colors up a bit maybe blending. I hope to see you become better!
hi i really like your drawing but there is a HUGE lack of quality (sorry i do not want to sound like a hater) maybe try using other programs i use...
Hi i saw that you removed the glitched spear from my bank i want to thank you for that but im also kinda sad now it was a special item. But thx...
thx this is one of my first drawings i like to keep it simple but cool to i haven't got it but im trying :D thx that's what i was trying but i...
yeah i get you this one is made quick and im new to art im working for a few days rn on a new thing and i will use more colours and make it more...
yeah but some ppl just dont want a paypal
A good way to upgrade the site is make it so you can pay with paymentwall so other people that are more outside USA (like me) can buy stuff in...
yeah sorry this was the first thing i found about the horses sry xD
i only have 26 ebs rn maybe more in a min i just bought alot of horses to try to get one
thx for the support :D
well i was like a guy that just didn't do anything with art and stuff like that. now im trying and getting better every drawing you already have...
AWESOME it looks very cool! i wished i was that good but im just starting xD
one of my first drawings its the wynncraft Eruption bow. [ATTACH]