Tower of Amnesia by far, because its just useless, long and itsj ust walking by the map.
1le for nemracts rage little inferno and lemon legs, but i cant go on now can we meet tomorrow?
can we trade now, im a little bit late sry, im on detlas wc1 if posible
30 minutes and im on, can u wait a bit? my ign is kastrup_ too.
4le for tidal + 6uth runes and 6 nii runes
Ok, so i want to buy 4 water t4s, but im not at home so can we trade tomorrow?
how many water t4s do you guys have, and I offer 3le for bedruthan 1 and 4le for aquarius 1
6le for aquarius, but i wont sleep at home, could you reserve it for tomorrow?
2pm on est for me is 12pm, sry no deal
no, just the 5 runes, 40 eb right? join detlas wc1
ok, just 5 nii runes? i changed idea
4 underworld crypt and 10 nii runes, if you have uth runes would be a pleasure
4 corrupted underworld crypt keys, 4 uth runes if u have and a 10 nii runes , how much?
i can go on now, join detlas world 11
the 4th one, i offer 6le
how much for the Third Eye with most Intel?
14le for your best tisauns proof, best memento and best libra
3.5le for your best Tisaun`s proof