And here is the thread! https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/complete-housing-plot-concept.288224/
Specialcityman´s Housing Yesterday i published a post on twitter where i showed my housing which is finished since a short time. After that I got...
Maybe ill upload a theard tomorrow about my housing if someone interested.
Hello everyone. Since the Block Merchant was expanded with new blocks in the last patch, I wanted to take the opportunity to suggest a few more...
In housing, trapdoors do not remain closed and you cannot place them on other trapdoors or on blocks if they do not have a connection to any...
The redstone blocks should also only be added for decoration. I didn't mean to imply that you can build working redstone doors out of pistons. I...
The different wooden trapdoors were added in the 1.13 update. So we dont have them cause the Server is running on 1.12+
How can i move this to the suggestions area?
Hello everyone. I have looked at everything around housing in the Hero Beta. I paid particular attention to the building blocks and looked at...
Sure. Ill come
that sounds good. Where we meet?
I would like buy these items
Hey Guys, i search for a good Memento and Dark Channeler
Thank you three. I must look which one i'll use
Hey, i search for an endgame warrior build. It shouldnt invole mythics and li items.