Welcome to my forum thread! We are a strong community trying to rebuild the glory of the guild we had 5 years ago! (yes! We're a very old guild!)...
I'm usually playing so just shoot me a message with a price :)
Sounds good to me
Hey, my IGN is qwertyman547, I'd like to buy the Passus lux and frosted leggings please :)
yeah pretty sure I do
I have both
A black horse will do you fine until about level 60, by that point however you get tons of emeralds, sometimes getting multiple LE from quests....
Hi! Welcome to Qwerty & Grongle's shop! Here you'll find great weaponary, accessories and armour that we've deemed worthy for purchase! This is a...
I'd love to have some better things to buy in the store
I think this class idea is a bit too specific, try and broaden it out a bit.
I love this idea, but for now I just have a level 11 warrior sitting at Detlas bank with all my important stuff haha.
Me and my mage friend couldn't beat him till' we hit 75 and got the mythical weapons
I've always wanted to see some sort of necromancer where you raise undead to help you.
Omg I'd love this! Support from me
I think it's a great idea but I think you should make the 100 perks a bit stronger.
would be cool if it wasn't for Dern, which is supposed to be a land of dark xD
Here's my ethereal if you wanna buy it. IGN is qwertyman547 so hit me up if you want it.