I'm so sorry but can anyone please help with defeating Amadel? Requirements are of course lvl 70+ and if you need to finish the quest as well...
The young girl has been thinking, snapping back to reality she smiles nervously "Apologies, I was distracted for a long while, my name is Torian,...
This red headed ambitious young girl enters this eye-catching shop, eying a specific item through the midst, shyly she attempts to question the...
Oh, I apologize I've never auctioned before XDI think I'll start at min like 45 eb? Considering the stats, but I think that might be overpriced...
I randomly got a Legendary Eruption so I don't know if anyone wants it but... You offer first... Idk how much it would sell for so I'll just...
Sorry! But I really need to ask for help with opening the door to bob's tomb, i'm a assassin so I'm pretty useless, but I really want to complete...
I have to turn my LE into blocks first... Sorry D:
Alright, I am currently in world 1
Oh! I'm online right now in fact, so 10 eb correct?
Heyo ^-^ I'm so sorry to comment at this time, but I hope you end up seeing my message :D, How much would it be for both Nemract's ruin and...
Are you still selling the Stabsand dagger? If so I was wondering how much it would be worth sorry, I have never bought a legendary item before D:...
I apologize I have not traded before so I will most likely say something mistakenly, are you still selling the brown horse and how much is it? I...