May the wynn blocks be in your heart forever and may I soon call a mythic my own <3
Wow! Thanks a lot for the last building updates. The new lobby and all the d a d updated changes are impressive. The attention to detail is...
@jpresent another great news you are a real jewelpresent :) It`s an amazing surprise to rummage the forums with all this not wanting to end news.
Developments have been coming thick and fast one right after the next. Then things really take off I like it - keep it up :D
Thanks for your helping offers I started and finished the quest yesterday like a "home run". Maybe we meet again with another char? ;)
Thanks for your offers :) I finished the whole quest yesterday.
I would like to help you completing the quest but I have to start it firstly. Maybe you can help me with one meteor?
I do the ??? quest for the secound time and would be happy to team with you :) but I have to start the quest first. Maybe you can help me with one...
Hey, I want to start the ??? quest and I´m in the yellow meteor. Is anyone in the red or blue meteor and can help? You can contact me in game...
Are you still searching for a ??? team? I´m in the yellow meteor right now.
Supplement: @ Bumble let it rumble in the jungle ;-P
Another humpty dumpty went to vacation and hoped to stay in his organisation this humpty dumpty likes you a lot because this guild is really hot...