level: 63 playstyle: spell preferences: none restrictions: No quest items, unless it's needed class: Archer
Class: Warrior Playstyle: Spellspam Preference: More than one Element and one hive item Restrictions: No Quest/Mythic/LI EO Items
Sry for asking for so many builds, but I just hit 101 and beat qira on my warrior so I want a build that does a lot of damage and some...
Class: Warrior Playstyle: Spellspam Preference: Lv 97 Restrictions: No Quest Items/Mythics
Class: Archer lv 59 Playstyle: Fast walk speed Spellspam Restrictions: No Quest Items
Class: Warrior Playstyle: Spellspam Preference: lv 94 with decent life steal Restriction: No quest/dungeon/mythic items
Class: Warrior Playstyle: Any Preference: Lvl 93 Tanky with some damage and life steal Restrictions: No Quest/Dungeon/Mythic Items
Warrior Level 88 Tanky Spell Spam Build plz Uses Third Eye No quest items or mythics plz
Thank! I will try this soon :D
Warrior Level 74 What can I do to improve my build? https://wynndata.tk/s/kfuh2s
Lv 68 Warrior Spell Build with any element Not too difficult to obtain items
Buying: 2 Precious (Rings) 1 Master (Necklace) Want to pay 24eb for each - negotiable If I'm online plz pm me in-game: imCrunch
I'm trying to complete the quest "meaningful holiday" and I am unable to talk to Reshad.