cool. ngl I prefer the charkam and guardian angel models more than the 3rd and 4th but thats just me.
Username: Acrylic123 Discord: Acrylic#6963 Highest level Archer: 11 Highest level Profession: 58? I forgot Favorite area to loot?: Rodo/Sky Beans...
Oh trust me, knowing wynn for sooooooooo long, after bugs, all the content will be obsolete within a week.
My 40/40 WHite Horse + 1 emerald :)
[MEDIA] guinea pig service made the dern update postponed lol
Even tho it is a really good aqua, idk if I would pay as much as 32 le for this...
Does quantity of a particular item affect the maximum amount of items a player can ask for?
Is 7 t6 powders reasonable then?
Leo #1 minecraftacrylic rn
wow, 1le, srsly? that's fairly pricey
@Duffi I would like to purchase the Hertusol
New item request, Hetusol
Start up price, 3le I no longer need a flameshot hilt tho, but thanks for the offer!
^^^^^^^^^ Good Luck!
Buying: - Fallen Factory Keys - Corrupted Lost Sanctuary Keys - Hetusol - Chestplate of Ineptitude >Prices varies on the ids >We will agree on...
Reasons for joining: I would like to have something else to do besides leveling up my classes, or questing, in wynn. It also allows me to...
I am looking to buy it for 12 idk if it is a suitable price for you so do pm me in game, minecraftacrylic I can go up as high as you want, as...
Alright, here are some small suggestions; More Ender Chest Slots It is definitely ridiculous that players have to resort to using classes...