This quest took me longer than I care to admit on figuring out how to do this part. I was trying to just swim but kept getting teleported back. I...
That's an interesting thought, but then the next level horse would cost just above 13.5 stacks of LE for it's breeding value.
I like the idea but sound doesn't sound the best. With mana regen for example, when I hit a large group, it can activate many times and I can only...
How are those going to be obtained? I know very little about 1.12.
Some kind of display would be great. It's pretty nuts going through so many drops just to see what you have received. :thumbsup:
There are definitely some instances where I have waited for my speed to end in order to do something. Probably not the most important thing to add...
I viewed this thread inquiring about the title. Gotta post!
I enjoyed Starbound more and feel that the space aspect of it is part of the reason. I've played both games with friends but have found that I...
I like the idea. Switching armor around or when changing skill points can cause you to be low health like 500/4000 just as an example.