This is one of the best remixes of this song that I have ever listened to. MORE!!
Here is a boss theme I made. It's kind of repetitive, but it works. The song loops two times, but the second loop is better in my opinion (what do...
So instead of actually working on my fanmade song, I decided it would be a good idea to recreate the Nivla Woods theme entirely from NES channels....
I can agree with this after listening to it again. Yeah it was supposed to be kind of jazzy. Ok Well, it is a WIP, but I couldn't agree with...
I made a music! Keep in mind that I don't know everything about music and that this is a work in progress. Criticism is appreciated too. [MEDIA]
A remake of a part of the Party Blues theme. Available in NES channels and Konami VRC6 channels. Requests will be taken but are not guaranteed to...
Ok, I'll take note of that. That should be coming relatively soon. Maybe.
A very short remix of the Tower of Ascension theme meant for a ringtone: [MEDIA] Download:...
My simple suggestion is for a bank to be built in Ternaves. People shouldn't have to walk between Almuj (or Detlas) and Ternaves JUST to get...
My new class idea is the sorcerer/sorceress. It is a summoner class and can support their allies with their undead army. DAMAGE: 3/5 DEFENSE: 2/5...
I was just exploring and went to the Eastern edge of the world and found this: Has anyone else found this and know what it means or what it is...
How did I not notice that. *1000 Facepalms*
It has to have a hyphen, doesn't it?
I got bored and decided to build something over the weeks. I wanted to build bridges. Yep. Rope Bridge: [MEDIA]] Cable Stayed: [MEDIA] Wooden...
INTRODUCTION This shall tell of a tale that many people do not know of, or of the lands that it dwells in, or even who the people are and how...
Okay! Thanks!
Hello! When I do The Passage quest with a friend, he is the only person to obtain the bead. I later do The Passage with another friend and he...
I know you have a LOT of requests, but can you draw a head-to-shoulder (bust) drawing of my skin? Also, can you make it kind of blocky and add a...
"Have ye 'eard of the tale of th' zombie that haunts the 'ol city of Rag-" *The boat suddenly shakes, and you hear clinking noises of what sounds...