1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone? Gevoi, Gevoi#3710, Gevoi, USA, EST 2. What is your highest level class and...
Could npt be found
some people might now know
i can help if u need?
thanks for telling me now i can stop trying to re-download/ try to fix it
when i join voice.wynncraft.com it isn't working but it used to help.
same i need help
msg me fammmmm,
people in ts if u want names then sure
thats all i wanted to say..... AND HOW TF WOULD U GET ANYTHING OUT IF IT WASN'T ENGLISH?
when you get scammed by a level 5 for 20 le ( my life rn )
help reply to this and I will find a way to get to together to do ???*team
4 eb each trying to buy them in mass amounts #screw grinding (add more dungeons for higher levels that where you actually need dungeons ffs m9999
wow lol I have lots of friends not tru at all u can tell yes mam i have that but its 1/1 mana regen ( even tho i said accessories I...
read the last comment.... anyways someone offered a chestnut horse and 20 le so...... idk???and aquarius is the most sought out non-mythic in the...
reply with prices don't be retarded with your prices because i will confirm with other people that price is reasonable...
im c00l aren't I????
im blame, AKA _LokiFire
64 le starting bid Stats: 7/4 mana regen -16% mele damage +20% spell damage -if possible trading for white horse :Dwhite horse must be 40/40...