Looking to get help with building a setup
I think something small like rising up to see an overview of the town would be best. It defines the new area, it's short, and it gives a different...
I've seen this come up a lot. The only way "around" this that I've found is that instead of pressing "shift" you can hold the button down and it...
My main goal right now is to complete all the quests, discoveries, and lvl 106 with max profs on my archer. Id love to try it for the 4 main...
IGN: FieshPlaysMC *optional - Age: 20 Region (NA, EU, AS, OCE): NA (Central Standard Time) Highest class and Level: 89 Archer Reason for...
Im looking for any anime that isn't Boku No Pico or Hentai. Thanks peeps
How much? [ATTACH]
If you could help me out with the Passage boss altar that would be appreciated m8
Bro I'm sporting Illuminite, Slime Plate, Antimony, Anchorly, and an Infinity at lvl 61 archer and still get wrecked. So you'll need more than that
Well this is awkward. My IGN is FieshPlaysMC and last time I checked I suck at drawing xD Good luck m8 with your shop
IGN: FieshPlaysMC Highest class and lvl: Archer lvl 60 How active are you?: I try to get on at least once a day but Wednesdays and Sundays are...
Build a accurate recreation of Grian's birth
December 31, 2013 With my this account (my main now) It feels like forever. I remember playing with my friends who have since dropped Minecraft...
How much would you pay for a Thunderbolt and an Infinity?
I take it this is gonna be in one of the updates now. Great job on the thread!
Wynncraft is all about the connection between players and the community so why are most of the quests solo? There needs to be more quests like...
IGN: FieshPlaysMC Give me some cringe: the way Grain say kawaii Favorite animal: Grain
Im here for the rank tbh <DatDraggy>
3 years ago on December 31. Seems like a long time ago. Blew so many emeralds on ID's :sweatsmile:
IGN: FieshPLaysMC Level: 53 Class: Archer How often you are on: 3-5 days First guild as i usually played solo so I'm ready to start