That's what I mentioned earlier but I have near a stack or should in my e- chest I cannot talk for awhile
I'm currently at work. I wont be available until at minimum 3 to 4 hours from now.otherwise I would be available to fix the issue.
It was sold to _Neptuno_ for a stack of Le as appreciation for the dungeon bombs that pushed me over level 100
If I had the amount in which it was sold for I would. Also would have cancelled the auction last night if I wasn't having technical difficulties...
I understand, so punishment as seen fit should be applied. I apologize for inconvenience.
I forgot this was up. I need to close this auction as it sold in game yesterday night.
I appreciate the advice. I haven't had much experience in this department.
Auctioning this great Blue Mask based on guild members advice. Starting Bid: 48 Le Minimum bid increment: 16 le Auction will end November 14th....
I was looking around the section of 1.5 Le, but I'm bad with the prices x.x
How much are you selling Maelstrom at. Not sure if i can afford it but it's something i would like to look into.
I've got two Thunderbolts up for sale. Looking for a price est/customers for them. Dekenusthefallen is my Ign for those curious. One also has a t4...
IGN: Dekenus the fallen (Minus the spaces) Number: 366 Pun: sorry I got none today.