Ok, so whatever Wynntils is supposed to do, it doesn't speed up your experience. I think that the next thing I'm going to try is allocating more...
Yup, I play on 1.12.2. Can you send me a link to Wynntils or am I going to have to Google it like the nerd I am?
I play on a pretty fast connection on a decent computer, but lately I have been having some issues with chunks not loading/rendering properly as...
Many thanks Druser. This does clear up a number of questions I had.
I have a few questions regarding the way mob drops work. First: I know that local mob level influences the level of loot in loot chests and that...
How do you get gathering tools above T2?
How long do you expect this to take, because if it should take less than two hours, I could manage that.
Barring a server reset, I will be at the Tower of Ascension on world 3 from now until 8:30 or later, depending on demand. Happy hunting.Server 3...
Looking for a group to take on Death at the top of the Tower of Ascension at about 8:00PM CST/9:00PM EST/7:00PM MST/ 6:00PM PST. High water damage...
I'll be on for a while, send me a message if you are on.
When would you available to make the trade? Preferably some time tomorrow.
I am looking to purchase a morph topaz of decent stats and am willing to go as high as 2LE. Name in game is L0NE_SC0UT, with the 'o's being zeros....
Do you still have any morph topaz for sale?
For those interested, in world 19, a group of players are trying to gather enough support to defeat the reincarnation boss. Any and all help is...
I am looking to buy a morph topaz. My maximum price is 1LE. If that is too low, I can pay half that for the information of where I can obtain one...