Thank you for asking Salted for permission, @Pretzule! The Download link to the edited WynnPack is now included in the first post! :-)
That would be just unnecessary work because everyone who want's it could take the original, delete the custom weapons and follow some steps to get...
Tools and items will be added later with a mixture of default- and Wynncraft-Style. :-) Upgrading a ressource pack to 32x32+ from 16x16 is lots...
Hello there! I love the resource pack of Wynncraft and wanted to use it anywhere! So I edited it, created missing textures and fixed some bugs....
It's all about habits. If the pvp-system changed the other way around you would complain as well... :-P
There is a solution to the problem: chunk.li If you have installed the plugin on your server run the command /land relight in your selected area....
Build a giant walrus with a mountain of ice on top where some people live in small wooden houses.
I would add mirrors. You can put them on the wall just like paintings. You craft them with 3 glass panes on one side, 3 iron ingots in the middle...
You should be able to use this pose as a default player model. :D
I you fight only with your fists you got nothing to loose. Fists are OP!
I would create an economy server with spleef arenas, because spleef is awesome!
DesolateCoffee is nice. You should take that one. If you put sugar in it it's bittersweet. ;-)
I imagined a game just like Minecraft and was very suprised when I found this sandbox on the internet.
My skin is selfmade. Can't show it, because I got to write 10 posts first... :/
I am very sorry to do this... :/ /edit: I found out that posts in this sub forum are not counted. Do I really have to read some threads and...
Hey guys! I love the super fancy looking WynnPack, so I decided to edit it for survival mode to be able to use it anywhere. Including YouTube...