Wow- I'm just dumb. Thanks for the insight, was wondering how to get them to pop out like that. Thanks, was wondering what those two icons meant.
Sorry if I misspoke, I mean these icons. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
There are a bunch of symbols on the map that I just don't understand. Are there any reference guides, or do we have to decode and memorize them...
Nevermind, turns out I had 1.8.9 mods too inside the mod folder. Thanks anyway!
Whenever I load 12.2.2 forge, it keeps crashing. It says that an unexpected issue occurred. Is anyone having the same problem? Edit: Now all of...
DONT GO TO /P H RAEW HE HAS TRAP Yah, from different server and he has a freaking trap where you die in his build lel. I wanted to spam in chat...
All of you thanks guys! You guys were a great help!
thx :) BTW, ima kinda low level so wut are dungeons XD (srry for asking I feel like a total noob)
Hi, my name's icedude111 and I am very excited to join the world of Wynncraft! Oh yeah, one question: What is the best way to levelup? (I really...
Thanks for all y'all replies. Haven't checked in a long time lel
When i go to the "Trades" sections in the form, i always see these kinds of trades with prices with "1 LE". What does "LE" stand for?
IGN: icedude111 How active are you: Friday, Weekends and sometimes weekdays Timezone: UTC + 8:00 Main class and level: Archer/12(leveling up!) Why...