Oh cool, what type? Prebuilt parts like VEX? Or robots built from scratch?
I've PMed all of you.
Hello Wynncraft, I've been playing Wynncraft for several years and have had developer roles on other MMORPG servers. I'd like to spin my own take...
I hate how half the minecraft community refuses to update to later versions. If you don't want the new content, don't use it. There are ways...
Ign: Kneesnap Number (0-1000): 43 Puns (just for lols/optional ): The election is so Hillaryous.
Whenever I use a teleport scroll I get this message: "You cannot teleport while in a storyline." /killing myself respawns myself in the cult area.
@Shanaro I saw the final cutscene, but am unable to claim my rewards. Any idea what happened? Screenshot: http prnt.sc czwqg9
Depends. The only game I consistently play besides Minecraft is GTA V, with maybe 20/30 hours. If you go back a few years, I was addicted to...
Awesome! EULA-Compliant perks that are actually worth it!
:O I was not aware of that. Oops!
1.23 * 47 = 57.81 1.25 * 43 = 53.75 Assuming this is the only piece of armor you're wearing, I'd go with the 23% Health Regen helmet. If you have...