Haha okay. Nice one tbh
There is only one Yellow stone but it's located in 4 states
Good job on the map! Love the update to the map looks good
Thanks wynn team for updating the wynncraft map. I know it's in progress right now but good job.
Ayee more sales! Just in time for summer xD
The other person forgot to delete it, He told me to make the thread. I'll let him know when he comes back online.
Novamatic Welcome to Novamatic Guild! Information and recruiting is below! Information: Current lvl: 22 Current Players: 16/26 Guild Tag: Nov...
It's pretty empty there and it's mainly mountains and it also has The Yellow Stone National Park which is also in 3 other states
Wyoming and i'm going back there soon for a trip but the farthest for me is Germany
1. New Troms 2. New Ragni 3. Le - Liquid Emeralds 4. Wynncraft Forums 5. The Guilds
I could be either one cause i'm asking what everyone likes to listen to so you aren't wrong, I could've put it in Nemract's Bar but I put it here...
My favorite Music / Artist I always listen to are: Rap Artist I listen to a lot Post Malone Speaker Knockerz Lil Mouse Kid Ink Young Thug...
Would you rather be a airplane or a bird? bird cause then I can fly south for the winter Would you be a lime or a lemon? lemon cause they are...
Nice work on the pictures