2le is fine, can we meet in Cinfras? I can't be online tso plz reserve it for me ._.
Actually the max xp bonus is 29% Btw a free bump xD
How much for the Wind Mimic? I'm not good at price ._.
k, coming
k, meet in Deltas?
ill buy the dark shroud for 3le
I have some Maelstorms
Actually this class is more likely to be a different type of Mage so it wont be too attractive for mage players i suppose ._.
Farming the imps probably will let high level players easy to get 1LE from this dungeon daily ._.
the name Storm seems a little bit plain, but it is a nice Mythic which i would like to get one xD
Mama Zomble's Memory, Trusted Map or Salted Poop Those collectables are super expensive ._.
idk why there's tons of potato crates especially in cities the villagers should drink LEs but not eating da potatoes
If this got implemented, my fingers will not suffer from clicking quests books But it seems hard to implemented ._. TOTALLY SUPPORT
Totally agree with this suggestion cuz many times I accidently sold my legendaries to DA ITEM EATER ._.
They removed swarms because the lag it caused to the server. But I am still looking forward for its return xD Total swarms won : 8 Highest class...
I spent 30le on breeding White horses and still got nothing ._.