Okay let me clearify this first before i begin: i will remove this if there has been a appeal by my friend for the same thing but as of now i...
i might be a year late haha but i found this thread and im kinda desperate to find any stratus so how much for both? (if you still have them)
Hi HamilaPlayzMC i would like to have a signature for my guild called LonelyWolf
yea that's not good...i always leave space for my armor and accessories
I love Wybels!
i was talking about the slider
same here i still have a character with just un-bonused armor and just willy-nilly skillpoint choosing but i joined the forums not that long ago
that looks quite like a lotta dmg
i know and i thought maybe staff could help me when i post it here but thnx anyway
Not sure what prefix my problem needs but it has been a couple days now and i still have not recieved my items yet since i normally recieve them...
lost mine today anyone still got one?
i killed it but what can i do with its drop called: ''Purest Tear''?
Hey everyone yea i kinda have a different problem when being ''stuck'' you see i was with a friend (Eloquent_Raccoon ) and we were at the part...
I Hate Hackers!!!
i surely will thanks!
hey! i got a question cus i just made a ban appeal post and i would like you ( if you are an admin to look at it? :D