Quite sure it isn't the absolute worst, but it sure is a horrible Warchief. But then again, I got this from an itembomb, so no reason to complain...
Username:KiliE2001 Discord: KiliE2001#6974 Highest level Archer: 104 Highest level Profession: 126 Favorite area to loot?: whereever you're...
Oh, didn't see that, wynndata just said I'd have 24 points to distribute. I'll see what I can do to fix that.Here is the link with the unassigned...
Even tho I'm not @Madib00 I decided to try and make you an at least half decent build to fit your requirements. For the helmet I chose Blue Mask...
This build: https://wynndata.tk/s/LVSo0i should do the trick for you. I use it personally for my assassin with the weapon beeing a fully powdered...
Thanks! concerning showing Corkus: It shows nothing more than what you are able to see from the coast, and other threads with ingame pictures of...
Thanks! I used blender Thank you!
Well, it's too late to change that now, but thanks for the tip, I'll think about it if I do something like this again Tank you! Yep, that is...
Hello everybody, I just finished this rendering and hope you all enjoy it! [IMG] Just in case somebody wants to know; It took me over 50 hours...
Fun fact: This is fun. Wheeeeeee!
what happens if google googled google googling google I'm bored
I feel sorry for you
I blame Yahya for making ??? public
That sounds an awful lot like what happened to me a while back. Besides the part with the hallucination, you've basically described my everyday...
My personal favourite is assasin, might just be because that's my highest level class
As somebody who has just joined the forum I can say that this is a really well thought out guide and it will most definiteley help me in the...
This pretty much is what random chance is, it CAN happen but it DOESEN'T HAVE TO. Greetings K
How much would you like for the Kratke?