XD I would to,actually if this those actually happen I'll bid 1 le and 2 Emeralds XDDD I'm just kidding by the way I don't have enough,I have...
what are the prices?
hopefully your joking
Well if you really want it then save up EVERYHING and do things strategically to gain money, cause why do you state that:I could POSSIBLY save up...
Third eye must have 150+ spell dmg and 4/4 mana regen Memento must have high spell dmg and 2/4 mana regen
Well cause eof the nerfs all the essentials assassin needed are gone infact im about to post a thread about wynncrafts assassin
Im buying archangel for 11 le and chestnut and multiple rares/legendaries
Oh kk thanks a for the clairification cause I hope my computer is not on a breakdown. :Dalot*
Oh, Thanks :D and also is this build still viable because I looked on the forums at the 'Mythics' section...
Sorry but I actually dont think that a Jera hat has that average Loot bonus would go for too high but hey I'm no proffesonal as my Jera with 52%...
This is too expensive so why even bother trying to auc this at all?
actually I withdraw sorry
2.5 le for number 1
Third eye must have 4/4 mana regen and 100+ spell damage and 2000+ health Memento must have 150+ spell damage 2/4 mana regen Willing to...
Can you please reply?
Ill buy the Third Eye for 2 le Or higher
Why you want it: Well I like LE In Game Name : _Turtlez_ Time zone: UTC
Hmm yeah I agree it's very exploitable but cool idea
Can you tell me the skill points you put in without armor
Can anyone tell how much a reflect 25% Passus lux is and also a Chesntnut horse 20/30 and thanks btwAlso can anyone tell me how much Reaper of...