Skin: Legaydon [ATTACH] Pose: Running with drawn bow and arrow Right hand: Bobs mythic bow Left hand: none Armour: none Backround: kinda like...
depressing cheers= 20 eb? not today though. on monday i will be home
Great when do we meet and where? I will check if you have replied in 5 mins
as you can see im looking for an eruption bow lvl 49. tell me a price below and i will say Yes or No.
nvm lets meet at the forums 3 pm?
linnyflower! what did you want for 1 le? be online on the forums at 12.30
nah higher28 eb? meet at detlas 3.30 pm? type yes if you agree
sure Name you price!
how much for the quichshot?
i can give you one depressing shear for 20 eb. meet 3.30 pm today at detlas world 6? if world 6 is not online world 7?
where are you im online now
20 eb?
5 eb maybe?
How much for durums journey?
Welcome to EGK's Shop Thunderbolt [ATTACH] The Berserker's Helm [ATTACH] Erratio [ATTACH] More Coming Soon
howo much for the pelier?
1: 93 2: 126 3: 188
thanks for the help :)
i recently bought vip. And i wonder, if i would change my name, would it then dissapear? Yes, no?