It sounds like a good idea, but all the running around could be a bit troublesome. There really is a 'gap in the market' for a romance quest.
The more we level up the more slots there are. There are too many good people. ^_^
1. White horse level 40/40? (Yes I'm not kidding...) 2. Sage (legendary wand lvl 48, 40% XP bonus)
You were hurling abuse at members of other guilds. We had a lot of complaints about this.
If you get to level 50 you can join the Knights of Ix. :)
Ready to rule the land of Wynn? Become a Knight of Ix! We're a new, incredibly fast growing, frequently warring guild with an Infinity Blade...
Why Dern? (I'm quite new so don't know much about it.) Could you go into more detail please? :)
Oh! I may be wrong but I think this is talking about going to the End. They say they needed to escape. Dark land fits the End. I found an end...
Well my 3 tips would be: Get a horse as early as possible (from a friend) so that you can explore the awesome map. Learn the locations of loot...
Well being a Knight of Ix is a lot cooler in my opinion. You're welcome to join if you're of a good level. :)
For I am Thane - first blood of the Deathless, High Lord of House Ix, and shield of the Great Pact.
Well rather than just idly shout about them in guild chat, I wrote down all the guild suggestions that we had: Guild MOTD/world join message: It...
I thought you might know: I have a VIP rank in game (I liked it so much I gave 'em monay) but it's not on my forums account. How do I stick it on? :)
Greetings fellow adventurers, I have been exploring the province of Wynncraft for just under a month now, but have not delved very deep into the...
Why can't I see this on the map? :(
Hi, I was recently doing the Craftmas Chaos quest and something that an NPC said made me do a double take. Tom mentions that Santa delivers...