I have done every single quest and started at level 62. I got to lvl 66 and ran out of quests to do and can't level up without grinding. Whenever...
Is the Bladestorm supposed to be a bow... It is a dagger for assassin
I am stuck at the part when you go inside the taprot. It tells me to complete the parkour but whenever I try I get teleported back and told I...
In the video I saw a claw type thing but only once. I assume there will be others that look different but I could be wrong.
What types of weapons will assassins get? I know archers get bows, mages get staffs, and warriors get stuff like spears and tridents. What about...
@GlitchedSlayer Don't worry you didn't miss anything. Grian just gave out awards to the builders and GMs. I am probably going to have different...
1. I can't believe you are doing this on Friday 2. I can't believe you are doing this on the same day as star wars 3. I can't believe I want to...
What's your favorite band family? Other people as wellWhat's your favorite band family? Other people as well
There are gonna be better boss fights :saltedhappy: PREPARE
yaaaaassss!!! hopefully this comes out with gavel cause it isn't that hard to do :saltedhappy:
We need another class! Wynncraft has had these classes for so long and need a change. The smartest idea would be to use a class type that doesn't...
This is my idea for this class. If wynncraft was to get a new class it would have to be something they don't already have. They have a high damage...
super fun too bad I had to leave half way through to do Christmas stuff... I'm teh waffle :saltedhigh:
Well that's why it's work in progress :). Thanks for the feedback i'll change it after I get a little bit more
Class Name: Beast Tamer A class that can summon beasts to fight for them for a limited amount of time. Base Weapon- Whip (Fishing rod or lasso)...
You are my favorite mod just cause you're so fun <3 Keep making meh youtubez vids and I will stay sain... maybe
Yea but there will be only one winner and you will have to win a bunch of times. So yes a duel with rewards but you have to be skilled to get said...
There should be a tournament in which players 1v1 in a regular tournament style and in the end win a lot of LE. There should also be a tag team...
It's sad the answer to all your problems is suicide...
Hue Hue Hue