This does sound like a good idea, but you may have to wait for 1.9 on Wynn to be implemented.
Looking for Low Lvl (15-35) rares and legendaries, Mage only.
Nemract's Ruin, 10-15 eb?
Charm Of The Vampire, 15 Eb?
Yes. However, I said nothing about your lack of skill/playtime. I've even seen you online before. And it's not boring to argue for hours on end...
Looking mostly for good reflection stat, leave a comment below.
Ah, I may have to check that out, noone really seems to link them etc.
Well, considering you only came here to fight thousands of players on the forums on this topic instead of y'know, giving a good build or actually...
Sounds like someones a little mad. I said nothing of you being new, did I? You must realize the assassin is much more nerfed than other classes,...
You cannot catch anyone, easy spam spells to find the assassin, and the assassin doesn't have enough mana to sprint for more than two seconds in...
I know strategy all too well, and know when things are and are not possible. I know personally over 12 people in my friend group, players for...
Level 70 assassin, played for 3 years but a little on/off. Also we have reason to do this, other classes did, now it's our turn. Sorta sucks...
I'm new to this, 5-6 le?
I was using it as an example, an analogy if you wish, saying how hard multihit used to hit. Yes, it did need a nerf, but now it's just horrible. I...
I'm not sure if you're an older player, but I am. I remember when multihit could actually do damage instead of less than spin attack. And what...
Remember me? I might like to apply for your guild.
Price on Level 69: Crystal 1 ?
Don't you know we're all neckbeards who don't feel like doing physical work so we use magic to take us everywhere?
I full-heartedly agree. As a player for over 3 years, and playing on many different classes, the assassin seems to be the weakest. Here's a few...
Hey all. Just got back into Wynn, after 2 years. Need me? Hmu xD