In-game Name: Diz Highest Level Class: 87 Archer Timezone: CST How active are you: I play 1.5-2 hours daily. Have you been/Are you actively in...
IGN: Diz Which Items I want: Anything Why: Oh My because I am awesomeee The Pic
Uhm The guild is full..
IGN: Diz Class/level: 85 Archer Previous Guilds: Libterias Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: guild disbanded Why you want to join and...
Good But just a tiny bit op. ( only a tiny bit ;p )
IGN: Diz Highest Class & Level: Archer lvl 85 Why you want to join: It is a great clan with friendly people. I havent playing for that long and I...
In game name: Diz Highest level Class: Archer level 82 ( It was lvl 80 this morning :3 ) How active you are: Pretty active 3 hours weekdays 6-8...
IGN: Diz Highest Class & Level: Archer lvl 80 Why you want to join: powerful and strong clan. Treats people like family! What role are you more...
This quest is said hard for a reason. Its hard to do
My IGN is Diz and I died Due to Glitching out from joining and died mabye from fall damage. Since I had two soul points I lost all my stuff and...
My Winter Break starts torromow so I got no school to worry about ;3
Id like The Horse, Adamite, or 16 LE
Great Idea! 1+ Support :D
Username: Diz Top Classes and what level: Archer 75 Assasin lvl 51 Why do you want to join? I wanna join thats why. Ill help you out. Timezone:...
You have wasted your time reading this.