looking for feedback on this: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder?v=1#8_0uC0000uR0Qt0K20WA0K40UB0uQ16+X140o161g00001000360z0z0+0+0+0+0-lF+dQxUG...
Siddd Sid#7388 i got max useful profs and was done but going for 1690 kinda wild
my guess is "prize"
That was it, thank you For anyone trying to get 100%, off the top of my head I know you also need the three raids entrances
Is there a list of new world discoveries in 1.20? I have 78/80 for 51-100, and thanks to this thread I think one of them is the Monument to...
IGN: Siddd contact: discord, Sid#7388
I bought one from matspace24, thanks though
Can you both show all the ids? thx
Now i have to bump- no one is selling Rewind and those who are in opposite timezones ;-;
That's at night for me, I don't know if we'll be able to get on at the same time.
I offered 7le for your Rewind, and it's been a few days and we haven't been on at the same time yet. Could you tell me some time you might be online?
can you get on right now?
7 LE for Rewind?
I'm buying a Rewind Dagger for 6LE, will probably change based on identifications my ign is ShayRide