Please check this Alkatraz? [ATTACH]
CoinPlay, you were in the guild before and were inactive and did not give xp, so your current application is denied.
I heard you have a Freedom Bow, is it for sale?
ok then 8 le?damn late update, moments still for sale?
10 le for the 4/4 mana regen momentos
Im in Rodoroc right now if thats ok?
Cool, so do I just offer here or is it a separate thread? Sorry I'm such a noob :/ well I offer 50 le
Interested in your Momento, but what do you want to trade for it? Please msg me in game
Welcome back to HackForums Paul_Waffle!!! Thanks for wanting to be a part of our guild again. :D
I thought it was fun getting a bunch of people together to kill bosses, now that is dead. And it is sooooo hard to gain xp now. Its frustrating
So this is NOT the ice cave near Dogovi????
So Im the one who didn't read this post before i logged on and did not get the texture pack. Now what do I do? Please help
Thanks, that worked :D
Hello, I was told to message you about a problem i have. So i need yahyahs stained bowl and I don't have it. how do i get it? can I redo the...